The robes have a rather specific smell resembling a saturated flour. So that they are tasty, they need to be able to prepare correctly.
How to cook rogues - pre-processing
- Mushrooms beat from garbage and wipe well. If the mushrooms are badly polluted, then extinate them within a few hours in cold water - they will leave all the dirt.
- In the pan boil the water and pour the vinegar into it (per 1 liter of water take it 1 tbsp).
- Lower in boiling water orders and boil 10 minutes.
- Catch off the mushrooms on the colander and give them to cool.
- In the saucepan boil the second portion of water with vinegar.
- Again, put mushrooms in the water and boil again, but for 20 minutes.
- Put one bulweic to remove the unpleasant smell.
- After a second boiling, hide the mushrooms with cold water.
- The robes prepared in this way can be put in any dishes.
How to cook rogues pickled
For this recipe you will need 1 kg of fresh mushrooms.
- Wrapped in two waters of mushrooms spread over sterilized banks.
- Cook marinade from 1 liter of water, 2 tablespoons of salt and 2 tablespoons of sugar, 3 laurel leaves, 4 fragrant peppers, 1 garlic clove, 1 tablespoon of vinegar. Marinade cook for 15 minutes. At the very end, add another 1 tablespoon of vinegar.
- Hot marinade fill the mushrooms in the jars and cover the cans with sterilized covers.
- We set jars with mushrooms in a saucepan with hot water (to the shoulders) and sterilize them for 20 minutes from the moment of water boiling.
- Remove the jars of boiling water and tighten the covers.
- Give mushrooms to cool in a natural way, and then transfer them to the cold.
How to cook rogues salty
1 kilogram of robes pre-boil and cool down. Also prepare:
- Khrena leaves - 3-4 pieces. Cut into pieces.
- Umbrella dill - 2 pieces. Also shredtit.
- Garlic cloves - 3 pieces. Cut the plates.
- Pepper peas - 8-10 pieces.
- Salt large - 50 g (these are 2 tablespoons).
Place the fourth part of the spices on the bottom of the Liter Bank. On them - a layer of boiled mushrooms. Sweet mushrooms. Next again, repeat the layers: Spices - Mushrooms - Salt. The last layer should be spices. Put the coffee saucer on the spices, and install any oppression on it. A narrow high bank is suitable from a tomato paste, filled with water. The jar with a blow Keep 2-3 days on the kitchen table. Then remove the oppression and close the rogles by the kapron lid. Transfer to the fridge or cellar. Salted robes will be ready in 2 months.
How to cook rogues fried
Boiled with vinegar rogues can be frying alone, but they are tastier with potatoes.
- On vegetable oil (3 tbsp.) Fry 2 chicken bulbs.
- When the bow becomes transparent, put 300 g of rods to it. Fry all together for 15-20 minutes. During this time, the mushrooms will cover their crust.
- Lay out the mushrooms with a bow on a plate, and pour 2 tablespoons of oil into the frying pan. Roll it.
- In the frying pan, send the potatoes with sliced \u200b\u200bslices (500 g) and fry it 10 minutes. Spend potatoes and add ground pepper - everything is to taste.
- Add mushrooms to the mushrooms with a bow and cover the frying pan with a lid. Cushion dish 10 minutes.
- When feeding, sprinkle potatoes with mushrooms of parsley, dill and young onions.
How to cook rogues baked with potatoes
Mushrooms and onions Fruit on vegetable oil until ready. Boil potatoes in salted water. Put the products with layers in the form for baking. Pour everything sour cream and bake in the oven to ruddy crust.
Due to the rather specific smell of mushrooms, which may not even leave and after two voyages, the rogues are recommended to be prepared in combination with other mushrooms. Suitable oil, woven, waves. They need to take at least half of the total amount of mushrooms.