How to cook Beshbarmak

How to cook Beshbarmak

Real Beshbarmak (thick meat soup with noodles) is prepared from three types of meat: beef, lamb and horseback. But since Konified in our stores is not for sale, it can be skipped. But lamb is desirable to find, because it gives a special fragrance. And even in Beshbarmak well put housyla. All meat should be rather fatty - just such a satisfying is the main food of the Turkic nomads and shepherds. They eat it once a day and then long do not feel a feeling of hunger.

How to cook Beshbarmak - Varka Broth

First of all, weld a thick and rich meat broth. For him, take meat with bones - they give good Navar.

  • Beef meat, lamb and goose. Clean and fold into the pan. Total meat products take 2 kg. Fill the meat with water - 3 liters. Put a saucepan on a slow fire and give water to boil.
  • Remove the foam from broth.
  • Put one big carrot in the broth and two onion bulbs. Clear them before, but do not bounce.
  • Boil the broth on a very slow heat 2-2.5 hours until the meat is complete.
  • An hour before the end of cooking, the broth spray, put several peas of black pepper and 2-3 lobes of garlic.
  • Before removing the finished broth from the stove, remove the fat from it in the lilac - he will need you.
  • With a little cooled broth, remove the meat, carrot, onions and garlic. Bouillon strain.

How to cook beshbarmak - preparation of meat

Boiled meat remove with bones and cut it with slices of medium size. You can leave it in kind, and you can put out a little:

  • Two onion bulbs Cut into cubes and put in a deep saucepan.
  • On the bow to put slices of meat.
  • Meat seasoned pepper, young greenery of garlic and zila. Take spices to taste.
  • Fill the bow with meat with a small amount of broth so that it only covers the contents of the skill.
  • Carry meat on the minimum plate power for 15-20 minutes.

How to cook Beshbarmak - Production of a square homemade noodle

Beshbarmak used for noodles in the form of squares or rhombuses. It can be as a buy in the store and make a home. Home turns out much tastier and cooked very easily. Make homemade noodles one can at a time, until the broth is cooked:

  • 2 raw eggs stir until smooth and slightly prisolit.
  • For eggs, add half a glass of warm water - stir.
  • A pound of flour, pour in a bowl slide. Make a well in the middle.
  • The recess pour eggs with salt and water.
  • Knead the dough. If the meal will be enough, then add.
  • The dough roll into a ball and wrap film - let it lie there quietly for 20-30 minutes.
  • Divide the dough into 4 pieces and roll each thinly as dumplings.
  • Cut the dough into strips width of 1.5-2 cm. These strips are cut into squares or diamonds.

How to cook beshbarmak - cooking noodles

Cook the noodles just before serving the dish:

  • Mold in a pot of broth or just a third of Boil 1 liter of water. If you use water, podsolite it.
  • Bring broth or water to a boil.
  • Small portions immerse in broth home square noodles and cook it until tender. It will take 1-2 minutes.
  • Noodles, remove with a slotted spoon and spread on wide dish with a lid.
  • Each new batch of water the previously removed from the fat broth - it will not give the noodles stick together.

How to cook beshbarmak - serving dishes

Traditionally dish served and is used as follows:

  • On a plate stacked noodles, and on it - meat.
  • The bowl is filled with broth.
  • Meat and noodles come from his hands and into his mouth.
  • Dish washed down with broth.

If you or your loved ones are not ready to have, like real nomads, the unit dose into each plate, place the noodles, meat and pour the broth it all. Eat like an ordinary soup. Do not forget to submit beshbarmak chopped greens (pen onions, garlic, dill, parsley). Put them in a separate deep bowl and put on the table.

Beshbarmak - this dish is to give strength and rewarming. Serve it must be very hot. Prior to submitting the boiled noodles, ready-made broth and stew keep in a hot oven.

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