How to cook Smorchchki

How to cook Smorchchki

Smorchchka - the first spring mushrooms. They appear on forest edges, in urban parks, shaded apple orchards, as soon as the sun priges and melts snow. From inedible lines, causing them at the same time, they are distinguished by wrinkled tapered beer-brown caps, similar to bee honeycombs.

In the currants are contained in a small amount of poisonous substances that disappear when dried and in cooking falls into the water.

How to cook smurchki - preparatory period

These unusual mushrooms are rich in protein, vitamins, trace elements, sugars, fiber. Smorchchki are considered conditionally edible, but with proper preparation, they are tasty in boiled, fried, baked form.

  • The collected curls beat, clean out from the ground, overheating leaves stuck in insect hats.
  • Place the mushrooms per hour in a cold water basque, then rinse them carefully.
  • Purchase clean curls in a saucepan with water. Boil 30 minutes. Fight mushrooms on the colander, rinse.

ATTENTION: Wheel pour!

Mushroom harvest is ready, you can start cooking.

Photo 1.

How to cook soup soup

Warning: All the recipes presented below are boiled mushrooms.

Prepare for soup: 300 gr. Mushrooms, five potatoes, one bully, 1/3 cup of pesh, bunch of parsley, salt and pepper to taste.

  • Pour into a saucepan of one and a half liters of water, bring to a boil and throw the cut mushrooms.
  • Cook for 5 minutes, put the chopped onion. Leave on a quiet fire by a quarter of an hour.
  • Lower the millet in the brew, sliced \u200b\u200bpotatoes, prepare for another 15 minutes. Try if the pesh is routered - solitis, pepper and the soup is ready.

Give a dish. 10 minutes, serve to the table with sour cream and finely chopped greens.


How to cook fried fried with sour cream

The easiest way to cook meals from Smorchkov is to fry them in a white sauce. Just need - kilograms of mushrooms, a glass of sour cream, bulb, spices at will.

  • Mushrooms and pits cut into pieces.
  • The bulb is frying on the lean oil to yellow, add mushrooms, protubet the three minutes. Space.
  • In the resulting mixture, place the sour cream, mix, cover the frying pan with the lid. Cut five minutes.

The resulting yummy will go both both the main dish, and as a side dish to rice, barley, pasta.

Photo 3.

How to cook baked smurches with potatoes

Excellent casserole is obtained from the simplest ingredients.

  • Seven large potatoes clean, cut into thin circles, and 1 kg of curls - slices.
  • Put on a lubricated fat bare layers potatoes and mushrooms.
  • Stit 150 gr. Cheese, mix with sour cream and mayonnaise - three tablespoons. Add a pinch of white pepper. Fooling the resulting mass of the curl.
  • Bake in the oven at 180º half an hour.

The finished dish is well combined with a salad of fresh vegetables.

Photo 4.

How to cook smurches in dough

Such mushroom crustics make the hats. The most important thing in the recipe is the right Clar.

  • Mix in a bowl one egg, 100 ml of milk, flour so much so that the dough is like a thick sour cream. Add a slightly salt, pepper, turmeric, grated ginger.
  • Lower in a skeleton with a preheated fryer-shaped mushrooms. Fry to golden color. Fold mushroom balls on a paper towel to remove excess fat.

Fried lumps lay out a slide on the dessert plate, decorate dill or slide on the skewers and serve with mustard sauce. A snack is good and hot, and cold, and for homemade gatherings of the TV - the thing is irreplaceable.

Photo 5.

How to cook Julien from Smorchkov

Prepare: 300 gr. Mushrooms, a half cup of cream, a bow head, 3 garlic slices, cheese - 100 gr. Butter is butter and flour take two tablespoons, different spicy herbs - to taste.

  • Fruit mushrooms for five minutes. Put the chopped onion and a spoonful of butter. Figure three minutes.
  • Pour flour in the cream, stir, add juice from the pan. Space. Fill the resulting mixture roast. Take another 5 minutes.
  • Stodit the Koxnitsy crushed garlic, put the mushroom filling in them, sprinkle with grated cheese on top. Bake in the oven preheated to 200º 20 minutes.


As you can see any kushan of mushrooms, even the most uncomfortable, it turns out almost delicious. Therefore, do not lose time, and with the onset of the waist season, prepare and treat your culinary creations of relatives and acquaintances.

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