How to prepare patissons

How to prepare patissons

Patchison is a vegetable from the Pumpkin family, but from relatives it is distinguished by a small size, the fancy shape and light taste of white mushrooms, distinctly manifested during thermal processing. Patchsons can be cooked, fry, stuff, combine with meat, bird, fish, add to salads and casseroles. And most importantly - food is preparing quickly and always turns out delicious.

How to prepare patissons - simple recipes

The list of dishes from these vegetables is large, but the simplest are considered fried and stewed patissons.

Fried patissons

You will need: 2 patisson, 100 gr. Flour, 2 eggs, vegetable oil - 70 ml. Salt, black pepper, garlic - to taste.

  • Wash vegetables, clean, cut the plates.
  • Mix in a bowl of eggs, spices, salt. Dry the pieces in the egg mixture, cut break in flour, fry to a reddish crust.

Patchsons decompose on portion plates, sprinkle with chopped parsley and - on the table. Do not forget garlic sauce.

Patssone Ragu with vegetables

Cut the three peeled patisson with pieces. In the scenery, fry the chute bulb and carrots, put patissons, pour a glass of water. Cushion 10 minutes, then add 2 tomatoes without skin and cook for another 5 minutes. Space. Serve to meat, chicken, fish tails or as a separate dish with rye bread, smeared butter.

How to prepare patissons - dishwashes with a highlight

If you have time, mood and desire, make stuffed patissons.

Patchsons with filling

Ingredients: Neurizuctural Patchsons - 5 pieces (take by the number of consumers), pork mince - 250 gr., 100 grams. Cottage cheese and cheese, 1 piece of onions and sweet pepper, half a cup of rice. Bread panicing - 1/5 cup, salt - pinch.

  • Preheat oven to 180º.
  • From pure patissons cut up the tops and remove the seed with a spoon, leaving the flesh on the walls and the bottom. Sprink vegetables with lean oil, scab the sides for a fork and put on a greased baking tray. Bake 15 minutes.
  • Boil rice, mix with roasted vegetables. Add mince, cottage cheese, breadcrumbs. Fill the resulting baked patissons, suck the top of the cheese and enter the oven for a quarter of an hour.

Feed the dish hot on dessert plates decorated with greens.

Patisson pancakes with sector

For this dish, take: 2 Patchson, 200 gr. Mushrooms, 1 egg, bulb, 2 tbsp. l. Flour and lean oil for frying. Salt, dill - at discretion.

From the Patchsons, remove the skin, soda the flesh on the grater. Washing and chopped mushrooms fry in a skillet. After 10 minutes, they put the leaked onion. Connect the ground mass, egg, mushrooms, greens, flour, spices and sprinkle.

Lay out a spoon of dough on a preheated frying pan, fry from two sides to a golden color. Serve immediately with ketchup or sour cream.

How to cook patissons - children's dishes

Are you tired of persuading a child to eat a spoonful for dad, mom and the closest relatives? Keep the baby a thick soup from the Patchsonov and the problem will leave.

Mashed Puree Soup

You will need only - by 300 gr. Patchsonov, half of the bulbs and carrots, 1 potatoes, cream 10% - a glass. Salt is a little bit, a spoon of crouthing.

Clean vegetables cut in arbitrary shape, fold into the pan, pour chicken broth. Boil 20 minutes, then disconnect the plate, remove the thick and take it in the blender. Put back to the fire, enter the cream, salt, warm the minute three. The soup is ready, you don't need to call the baby, it has long been spinning in the kitchen, running on a gentle and delicious smell.


Take: Gracker Hercules, 150 gr. Patchsonov, one apple and egg, 50 gr. Sugar, half a glass of milk and flour.

Hercules weld on the water, put in porridge sliced \u200b\u200bapple and patissons, flour, sugar, milk. Stir. Lubricated and bake 35 minutes in the oven at 200º. Before feeding, cut into pieces, pour sour cream or fruit kisel.

It would seem that such a simple vegetable, and what original eats of it are obtained! Prepare patissons using our recipes or inventing your own, change the ingredients, experiment with spices, sauces, refueling and treat with new dishes of your loved ones and friends.

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