How to cook Forshmak

How to cook Forshmak

FORMSHMAK-Owned snack from crushed herring with apples, eggs, butter. It came to us this Kushan from East Prussian cuisine, where it was originally done from meat or cheap herring and baked with potatoes, onions, sharp pepper, sour cream. Formum recipes Many: some cooks are added to the main formulation of nuts and bread, others - cheese, mustard, and creamy oil is replaced by lean. All this is permissible and subject to proportions, the dish is derived delicious and original.

How to cook a classic foreshmaak

Such a furry is done quickly and is distinguished by a thin and refined taste. The necessary products: one herring, two steep eggs, an apple, a piece of white bread, 100 grams. Butter, 1 bulbs, a glass without a quarter of milk. Greens - parsley, dill.

  • Free the herring from the skins, guts, bones and cut the fillet into pieces. Water loaf in milk.
  • Eggs, onions, apple Clean, lie, connect with herring and squeezed meat, skip the mixture through the meat grinder.
  • Enter into the minced liquor oil, greenushka, satisfaction with the need. Wear everything in a mixer to homogeneity. Cooled mass fill the salad bowl, extinguish onion rings and cranberry berries. Serve with Borodino bread to acidic saches, stewed vegetables, strong alcohol.

How to cook potato foreshmak

Rich Forshmak is obtained with the addition of potatoes, and the kushan goes both as a snack, and as the main dish. For cooking you need: 4 boiled potatoes, 3 steep yolk, 1/4 part of the baton, two-sledding fillets, an apple, a bulb, 50 ml of olive oil and 9% vinegar, 1/2 cup of milk, 1 tbsp. l. mustard.

Soak in milk herring and bread. Grind apple, eggs, onions, potatoes. Gray and bread mix with the rest of the components, place in a blender and bring to the air condition. Next - enter vinegar, mustard, beat a couple of seconds and complete the herring. Decorate with a grated yolk with a green bow, cool and treat in front of the dinner for the excitement of appetite.

How to prepare dietary foreshma

Low-calorie snacks for fans diets and delicious to eat. Ingredients: 500 gr. Selenium fillet, three cooked eggs, two apples, bulbs. From spices - 0.5 h. Papriks and nutmegs.

Clean and grind eggs, vegetables, herring, then enter seasonings, beat. The resulting spicy pate is perfect for crackers, loafs or toasts.

How to cook Forshmak in Odessa

This appetizer has burning taste due to strong seasonings and spices. Take - 400 gr. Selenki, 2 bulbs, apple, egg and cut pieces. Add 0.5 cup of lean oil, the flesh of three garlic teeth, along the pinch of coriander, black pepper, Brazilian walnut. Mix the mixer, lay out in a bowl, hide for a couple of hours in the refrigerator. After the time expires, spread the paste on the dried rusty bread, sprinkle with chopped dill and parsley and you can try.

How to cook forrsak in the oven

Hot Forshmak is nothing but the usual necklace casserole with various additives. Products and time will need a little, and the dish will be delicious and will take a worthy place not only on the dining room, but also on the festive table.

Fill two racks of a half of a glass of milk. Clean and soda 3 boiled potatoes, two carrots, apple, 100 gr. Cheese. Mix all 200 grams. Sliced \u200b\u200bherring, raw egg, bread, 1 tsp. Sugar, pinch pepper. Lubricate the shape of the fat, sprinkle with flour, lay out the herring minced meal and bake in the oven for 30 minutes at a temperature of 180º. Finished casserole cut into portion pieces, lay out on a beautiful plate, serve hot.

Select and prepare your favorite recipe or add it components to your discretion to get a new and peculiar taste of this popular food.

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