How to divide Seleudka

How to divide Seleudka

The herring in the marinade with a lack and pepper, or in olive oil under lemon juice, is all the favorite dishes, not to mention the top ten salads that can be prepared with the addition of this fish ingredient. That's just the decision to cook the herring is not just, as not everyone knows how to clean it correctly, to quickly, easily and, what is important, good.

In fact, to divide the herring - a pretty simple case, if you follow the correct action algorithm.

Separate herring - it's just

  • First of all, the herring should be washed under cold running water.
  • Next, you can cut the fish head.
  • Along the abdomen is made an even cut so that all the insides can be removed from the herring. After that, it is necessary to rinse the fish again so that there is no bitterness in her taste.

  • At the next stage, it is necessary to make an incision along the Range of the herring and remove the skin from it. First, the skin is removed on one side of the fish, then on the other. Skin is thin enough, so it is necessary to do it carefully. By the way, according to how easy it is to be shot, you can judge how fresh fish came across.

  • Now you can walk the knife along the ridge again, if there is still a need to divide the herring into two parts.
  • If the tail is not needed, that is, it makes sense to cut it out at this stage.

  • At that half of the fish, where the ridge remained, it is necessary to pose his finger and smooth movements to separate it from the filleic part, the more neat it will work out, the less small bones in fillet from the ridge will remain. If all the same bones in fillets come across, you need to withdraw them from fish. You can do it as your fingers and special tongs.

How to divide the selek-tips

  • So that the whole process of separating herring is even easier and faster, it is necessary to stock up with a sharp medium-sized knife, as it will be much more convenient to paint with fish.
  • Also, it is also desirable to use a special plate, designed only to work with fish, as the herd is famous not only for its amazing taste, but also a characteristic odor, which not only does not confuse with anything, but also you will not bring out in a simple way. From these same considerations, you can work with fish not with bare hands, but in gloves.

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