How to cook the octopus

How to cook the octopus

Octopus has long ceased to be the only restaurant meals. They can be easily purchased at any supermarket and cook at home. But for those who first decided to try this delicacy is a mystery of its preparation process. How could cook an octopus that he had excellent taste while preserving its nutritional value?

Buying octopus: what to look for?

The taste of cooked dishes is strongly dependent on the quality of an octopus. In order not to make mistakes when choosing, consider the following nuances:

  • Feel whole taste of octopus can be cooked only with fresh products. But you have a lot of mess, to butcher a fresh carcass. Is much easier to buy a frozen product, it is more likely to cook and it tastes good too.
  • The nutritional value of octopus are of medium size. Small specimens have tender flesh and too big - very hard to taste.
  • Regardless of whether fresh or frozen squid, it must have a pleasant aroma and a maroon-brown.

How to prepare for cooking octopus

Before you start cooking you need a good product to treat:

  • If fresh frozen octopus, it is necessary to defrost.
  • Then thoroughly rinse the carcass under running water to remove mucus.
  • Remove skin raw is very difficult, so this procedure is best done after cooking.
  • If the octopus is fresh, it will have to cut: remove the eye and cut the lower portion of the head to which the tentacles are attached, as well as remove the mouth.
  • From the inside of the head, remove the entrails, ink and wash it well.

How to cook octopus

When you first decided to cook octopus, it is better to cook. But we should remember that the thermal treatments should be brief, otherwise instead of tender meat you get tough and tasteless dish.

How to do it:

  • Boil water in a small pan.
  • Dip in boiling water in split carcass of an octopus.
  • Candle 5-6 minutes, and then get the octopus from the water.
  • Gently remove the skin and octopus is ready for use.

Useful octopus cooking tips

The following recommendations will help you avoid frequent mistakes in the process of cooking octopus:

  • It is necessary to lower the carcass gradually and only in very boiling water. It will make meat softer, and will preserve the useful composition of the product.
  • It is impossible to add salt into the water, as it will make the meat "rubber" taste. But the use of spices is welcome.
  • If you got a very big copy, it is better to beat off it a little that the meat is not tough and fibrous. Also in such a situation will help freezing. After the octopus obes, its meat will also become soft.
  • So that the skin is easier to be shot, after boiling it is necessary to quench the octopus.
  • If you digest octopus and it has become too tough, you can easily correct the situation. To do this, keep cooking meat for an hour, and it will again become soft. But in this case, the product will lose all useful substances.

Octopus is a universal seafood from which you can make cutlets, bake meat pie, cook soup or can bake it on the grill. Osming preparation options are very much, and each of them opens the taste of the octopus in a new way.

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