Shrimps in Klyar - Recipe

Shrimps in Klyar - Recipe

From any seafood, in particular from shrimp, you can cook a lot of wonderful dishes. They are boiled, fry, extinguish and baked. Today, we will talk about shrimp in the batter - the dish is truly unique, because it is preparing it is done in different ways. It all depends on what products you have the kitchen, besides shrimp and vegetable oil.

Vegetable oil you need for frying shrimps. Shrimps for cooking can be taken any - in the shell or cleaned, small or royal. But the dough, in which shrimp in front of hot, is prepared from eggs, flour or starch and all sorts of delicious additives.

Shrimps in a chicken with nut sauce:

  1. 500 g shrimp boil in salted water for 5 minutes, and then beat them onto the colander and let the stroke of the water. If the shrimp you bought in the shell, then remove it after cooking.
  2. In the deep shill, pour 1 cup of vegetable oil and put on fire so that it warms out.
  3. Watch the wedge to the foam of 2 raw egg squirrels with a pinch of salt.
  4. In whipped proteins, pumped 50 g of flour and mix the dough until uniformity.
  5. Each shrimp is fooled first into dry flour, and then in the cooked liquid dough.
  6. Fry the shrimps in the hot oil to the formation of a ruddy crust.

To such shrimps, prepare a nut sauce of two whipped yolks, two crushed globes of garlic, two spoons of sour cream, tablespoons of parsley greenery, three spoons of the cores of walnuts, salts and peppers in the blender.

They gathered with friends to arrange a beer party, prepare for a penel drink shrimp in a beer.

Class cook like this:

  1. Pour in a bowl of 2 cups of flour and pour 1 cup of cold beer into it, mix until homogeneous.
  2. In the resulting mass, add 1 tbsp. vegetable oil and pinch salts.
  3. Separately beat 2 raw protein and enter them into the clarity.

This portion of the klyar is designed for 1 kg of boiled and purified shrimp. Oil for frying You will need 2 cups.

For the next shrimp dish, take the royal - 12 pcs. Remove their head, solid shell, and leave only the tail, for which it is convenient to take a shrimp. Also pull out a black intestinal vein that is clearly visible in large shrimp. You still need 100 g of sesame seeds, in which shrimp will need to dip in front of hot.

So, shrimp in a sesame cable:

  1. Beat two eggs protein.
  2. Add to them 1 tbsp. l. Starch (corn), 1 tbsp. l. Lemon juice, salt and pepper - by pinch.
  3. Heat the oil in the saucepiece to 180 degrees.
  4. To take each hotel shrimp for the tail and dipping first in the protein mixture, and then cut your sesame seeds.
  5. Fry shrimps to a beautiful golden color and characteristic walnut smell - approximately 3 minutes.

Prepare a real sauce to such a truly royal dish. Mix orange (1 cup), grapefruit (1/4 cup) and lemon (1/4 glasses) juices. Put the mixture to fire, bring to a boil and add 2 crushed garlic cloves, 2 tbsp. l. Brown sugar and pinch of paprika's hammer. Cook sauce on slow heat before it thickening.

In any cag, shrimp can be frying, having previously driven by wooden spanks. So they fry is much more convenient and safer, and the feeding of them then becomes very beautiful and unusual.

If you like shrimp, then be sure to prepare them according to our original recipes. In addition to shrimp in the batter, we also recommend trying shrimp in garlic sauce - Recipes will also find with us.

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