How to make a fleet for fish

How to make a fleet for fish

Fish cooked in a lurch - a tasty, appetizing, useful dish. Thanks to the crack - a roast test, in which the pieces of products are frying in front of roasting, the fish is covered with a crispy crust, under which it hides soft, juicy, nutritious fillet. Klyar's recipes are a lot: it is made of wheat, rice, rye flour, on milk or water with the addition of eggs, flavoring, spices. The main thing in cooking is in the correct proportion to mix the components so that the dough does not felt from the fish, but seal it into the ruddy crust.

How to make a fleet for fish on water

This simple chip recipe (liquid panning) is useful if you like to cook hot snacks on the ambulance hand. Ingredients: 1/2 cup of flour and water, three eggs, 0.5 h. Salts, greens.

Milk the flour, take the egg alternately, pour the chopped parsley, salt, spices - the breading should resemble a fatty sour cream.

Tip: To check the test texture, jump it out, it should not pour the stream and leave the lumen on the spoon.

Class is ready - to dry it into it a cooked fish and put on a strongly preheated frying pan with a lean oil. Fry for 5 minutes on each side, then remove yummy, remove the excess fat napkin - the dispenser is ready.

How to make a clarity for fish on milk with cheese

A more tender crust at fillet is obtained by mixing the dough on milk with the addition of cheese.

Put in a bowl of 100 gr. grated cheese, 4 tbsp. l. mayonnaise, pour milk, mix. Add 2 eggs, pinch of dill and nutmeg, pour flour, whisk a wedge. Give a mixture of 5 minutes, then dry out completely pieces of fish and fry in preheated oil. Cheese Clar will increase the volume of slices, and if friends got into you, and the fish one is exactly what you need.

How to make a fleet for fish on beer

Beer clarity retains light flavor of beer, which perfectly harmonizes with fish. You will need: 100 grams. flour, 150 ml of beer, 2 egg whites, 1 tbsp. l. Lean oil. Spices - to your taste.

In the sifted flour, enter eggs, cooled beer, 1/2 h. Papriks, oil, salt. Mix with a mixer, spray, pepper, add sesame seeds and prepare the fish.

How to make a clarity for fish on starch

Starch Clarket is very well held on the products, so it's a pleasure to prepare fish in such bread. Per 1 kg of fillet - 3 tbsp. l. Flour and starch, 150 ml kefir, proteins from two eggs, spices.

Flour and starch Couple with kefir. In another dish, take the proteins and enter into a kefir mixture. Here, put the fennel seeds with salt with salt, mix. Fish Pop flour, mockup into pie, fry in deep deep color.

How to make color fleet for fish

Want to cook not only tasty, but also a bright dish? Make a chamber with the addition of saffron. Take: on the floor of a glass of flour and mineral water, two eggs, a spoonful of lean oil. Salt, pepper, ginger - to taste, saffron - on the tip of the knife.

Divide the flour with water, put salt, butter, mix the mass and retain for 10 minutes. During this time, beat the proteins, add them to the test, pour saffron, stir. Fish you will get an appetizing and orange color. Serve it with creamy sauce and fresh bread.

Fish in the batter is not only a weekly dish. Place the green leaves of the salad lush fried pieces on the green leaves, decorate their tomato slices, thin lemon slices, dill branches and put on a festive table - you will not regret.

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