How to make lush fritters

How to make lush fritters

How to make pancakes - knows every hostess, but sometimes it happens that pancakes do not come out with such lush, as I would like. They are obtained flat and rubber. So that your pancakes have always been lush, you just need to remember the recipe.

Secrets of making lush fry

Fritters can be prepared on yeast, but easier and faster - make dough on kefir.

Nuances of cooking delicious dishes:

  • To knead the dough on the pancakes will need wheat flour of the highest grade. It can be added to the small proportions of corn, buckwheat or rye flour. Before you start kneading the dough, the flour is necessarily sifted.
  • As a consistency, the dough should be not rare and not too dense, approximately like a thick sour cream. The first pancakes will be verified - you need to dial in a spoonful of the test, dripped into a warm frying pan with oil. If the dough does not spread, then this is just an ideal consistency.
  • As for the temperature of all products, it is necessary to prepare from the facilities of room temperature, then all the components will actively interact with each other.
  • The dough was kneading - we give time to settle. Approximately 15 minutes, you can even leave the dough half an hour, only a spoon or another table object, which knead the dough, you need to remove. After the dough sat down, it is no longer stirred, but immediately proceed to frying.
  • Fragrant pancakes will turn out if you add a bit of vanillin to the dough, and the crushed fresh dill is suitable for waste pancakes.
  • What kind of dishes need: to knead the test, the usual bowl, spoon or a half. For frying - cast iron frying pan, comfortable shoulder blade.
  • Additives in the dough laying: This is raisins, crushed drum, apples, bananas. Many additives are better not to lay, because it affects the puff of the finished product.
  • How to fry pancakes: First, the frying pan needs to put on the middle fire, let it warms up for 40 seconds, then pour the oil, wait a couple of minutes. Dough laying up with a tablespoon. And fry pancakes when closed lid! As soon as they saw that the bottom of the baking began to shut up, and the air bubbles appeared on top, it's time to turn the pancakes. Turn over their spatula.

How to fry lush fritters. Universal recipe


  • egg - 1 or you can 2 pcs.;
  • kefir - 500 ml;
  • soda - 1 tsp. (without a slide!);
  • sugar - you can 2 tbsp. or 1 tbsp.;
  • flour - 2.5 cups;
  • vanilla sugar - pinch;
  • salt - pinch (you can not put);
  • vegetable oil - 3 T.L.

How to properly knead the dough:

  • In a bowl you need to drive the eggs to pour sugar, vanilla sugar, salt, mix.
  • Enter sifted flour, but do not mix.
  • Strike on top of the flour, you need to pour out soda (vinegar not to extinguish), and then you need to pour kefir. Now you can mix the dough on pancakes like this: from the center of the bowl - to the edges in a circle.
  • The dough must be perfectly kneaded so that there were no flour lumps. You can add apples, bananas or raisins.
  • We leave the dough to appease, do not mix before burning.
  • Fry pancakes needed on a well-warmed frying pan on vegetable oil (preferably without smell). You can try to fry the frying pan under the closed lid and without a cover. So you will understand what option you like most.

Finished fritters can be served with jam, jam, honey, and also with sour cream. If the dough is not sweet, then garlic sauce can be made: to sour cream (4 tbsp.) Squeeze a pair of cloves of garlic, mix, add salt, black ground pepper, crushed fresh greens (parsley, dill).

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