How to dilute acetic acid

How to dilute acetic acid

Acetic acid is an organic substance that has been widespread use in cooking, cosmetology and medicine. A bottle with an essence can be purchased at any store, but how to dilute it to the necessary concentration - not everyone knows.

For dilution of acetic acid, it is necessary to know its initial and final concentration. The store sells ordinary essence, which contains 70% acetic acid and 30% water. Ice, that is, 100%, acid cannot be bought in the store, this is a chemical that is used in manufacturing and in chemical laboratories.

How to dilute acetic acid

In everyday life, 3 and 9% vinegar solutions are used. To prepare a 3% solution, it is necessary to mix one part of the substance and 22.5 parts of boiled water. Accordingly, for the preparation of 9% vinegar - 1 part of the essence and 7 parts of water. As a measuring dishes, you can use tablespoons, glasses or glasses. It is best to buy a special measuring cup, it will be useful for you to preserve and cook new recipes.

How to dilute acetic acid

In cosmetology, 2 and 4% solutions are used. They do not drown the skin and are antiseptics. To prepare a 4% solution, pour 1 part of the essence and 17 parts of water. Instead of boiled, you can use filter water. Remember, acetic acid is an aggressive substance that causes burns when entering the skin. Therefore, during the preparation of solutions, it is necessary to put on apron and rubber gloves. Try not to lower your head very low so that the liquid does not get into your eyes. If you pour the essence, do not panic, erase the residues of the substance with a wet cloth. Do not stand it, throw it away. Be sure to work with the hood enabled or open the window. Do not allow children to be in the kitchen when you cook vinegar.

How to dilute acetic acid

Store the solution and essence in a dark place in a glass bottle. Remember, acetic acid evaporates quickly, so it needs to be stored in a clogged container. Put a bottle away from the children so that they do not confuse vinegar with water and accidentally drank it. Using acetic acid instead of a finished 6 and 9% solution, can be saved. This is important in the summer when a lot of vinegar is needed for cooking canned. One essence bottle is quite enough to prepare canned food.

How to dilute acetic acid

In the laboratory conditions for the preparation of solutions, pipettes, cylinders and measuring glasses are used. That is why the concentration in the purchased vinegar is equal to 6 and 9%. At home, it is more difficult to prepare a solution with perfect accuracy. Ready vinegar may turn out to be concentrated not 9, and 10%. It happens if instead of a measuring cup to use a tablespoon or wineglass. This is not the most accurate dishes, the volume of which is different from different owners. Therefore, if you want to make food strictly by recipe, use a purchase solution.

How to dilute acetic acid

Do not use raw water to dilute acetic acid. Such a solution cannot be stored for a long time, since the essence can be react with mineral salts dissolved in water. As a result, a precipitate may form at the bottom of the bottle, which will lead to the fermentation process within the can with canned food. If you purchased a bottle with vinegar and saw at the bottom of the sediment, pour the solution. It can not be used in food.

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