Sacebel home sauce

Sacebel home sauce

Sacebeli is a traditional Georgian dish, which is served to various meat dishes. The recipe for this sauce is based on fruit pulp and juice, nuts, various spices and spices. Interestingly, in initially the word "szebel" called any gravy, but it was finally entered into a source with the recipe below.

Satsibeli is also the right and permissible writing of the name for sauce. The original seasoning in its historical homeland necessarily contains such ingredients as:

  • juice of immature fruits (grapes, blackberries, grenade);
  • the flesh of the fruit of walnut;
  • meat broth;
  • a mixture of ground peppers, especially red;
  • garlic and kinse leaves;
  • saffron or Cardobented;
  • vinegar;
  • fresh mint;
  • onion.

To prepare sauce, juice or vinegar, pre-insisted with mint, stirred with pushed nuts, adding broth mixture. In the resulting composition, finely choppedions, garlic and greens, as well as all the above spices, in accordance with individual taste preferences are introduced. As a rule, for meat dishes use meat broth (more often - chicken), for fish - fish. If there is no broth, it is replaced with boiled water. Sometimes instead of the listed spices take ready-made hops-Sunnels. Sauce is served as cold and hot.

The present sazebel is officially not included tomato paste. However, thanks to the enormous popularity of the sauce, numerous variations of the recipe appeared. For example, to make sazibels for kebabs, take:

  • 200 grams of thick tomato paste;
  • 200 ml of broth or water;
  • big beam kinse;
  • middle head of garlic;
  • dry seasoning "Adzhika" - 1 teaspoon;
  • khmeli-Sunnel - 1 tablespoon;
  • vinegar - 1 tsp;
  • salt and pepper to taste.


The most important of the above components is definitely tomato. The paste must be thick and cooked from ripe tomatoes, not drip from a spoon, remain delicious even without subsequent processing. In the allotted amount, we fall asleep the chopped china cilantro and passed through the press garlic. We add seasonings, mix and carry pestle products. Pour vinegar so that he finally revealed the taste and aroma of sauce. We add water, broth or juice, as well as salt and pepper. At this stage, the sauce can be safely eaten, although experienced cooks are recommended to give it to be laid and mutually soaked with smells. A very interesting taste of a recipe acquires, if we replace pasta with fresh sweet tomatoes. There are two options here - to prepare the paste from them either to separate the peel and put into refueling raw.

CC7C6804 Sazebel

If you are unpleasant to the taste of kinse, it is easy to change on a parsley or basil. It is necessary to store such a gravy in the refrigerator on the top shelf, better in the can with a tightly spinning lid. For more acute, try entering chili or halapeno pepper in the mixture - both fresh and powder.

Interestingly, sazebel sauce with tomatoes, which has taken root in the CIS countries, is considered a completely separate recipe in their homeland, the Apamidor Syzbal is called and includes Barbaris, Alyci and Kizyl berries.

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