How to make a cape on kefir

How to make a cape on kefir

The ancient Russian dish rollets hunger and refreshes on a hot summer day, and the body will be filled with vitamins. The okroshka is prepared on kvass, mineral water and dairy serum. But most often the hostess is used as the basis of Kefir dish. Prepare for lunch around the kefir, please the seven delicious and useful first dish.

Prepare products to cook around the kefir

Cook the following products in the required quantity:

  • eggs;
  • potatoes.

Buy boiled sausage or ham, fresh cucumbers, kefir, green onions and dill with parsley. Optionally, put in Radish Obros. The sausage can be replaced with meat, which is pre-welded.

Buy degreased kefir. Fat kefir thick, turn around the okroshka. But the product with great fat can be diluted with cold water, mineral or boiled. If instead of sausage use meat - do not buy a fatty beef or pork. Prepare the chicken breast, turkey or boiled gentle veal. The meat of the Krbar is suitable.

Cooking okroshka at kefir - Classic recipe

You will need the following product ingredients:

  • 1.5 l kefir;
  • 400 g boiled meat or boiled sausage;
  • 3 pcs. boiled potatoes of medium size;
  • 3 eggs boiled screwed;
  • 2 fresh cucumbers;
  • 5 radishes;
  • bunch of dill and parsley;
  • 6-7 Green Fresh Luke Feather.

Clean the welded eggs and potatoes. Potatoes, eggs and sausage cut into cubes. Redish and cucumbers cut into small stripes. Dill with parsley and onions Put the finely sharp knife. All prepared products put in a saucepan or other ass and pour kefir. Too thick kefir dilute with boiled cold water or mineral water. Optionally, add sour cream to the dish. Stir foods, satisfy and send a saucepan with a refrigerator for an hour. The dish is imagining, it will become refreshing and saturated.

Cooking the oscillation on kefir and sour cream at home

This is an unusual recipe for the usual okroshka. Instead of sausage, take a beef language, weld it in advance. Prepare products:

  • 1.5 l kefir;
  • 200 g sour cream;
  • 150 g of boiled language;
  • 2 potatoes and 2 eggs;
  • 2 fresh cucumber;
  • having a lemon;
  • 50 g mustard;
  • a little black pepper and salt;
  • greenery.

Boiled potatoes are cleaned from the peel and cut into cubes. Curly cucumbers cut stripes, beef tongue - cubes. Next, your actions are as follows:

  • the cooled boiled eggs are cleaned from the shell and separate yolks from proteins;
  • yolks run in a separate bowl with mustard and sour cream. Proteins cut into cubes;
  • finely chopped green wipe with pepper and salt;
  • put all the products in the cooked vessel, except for the chest of yolks;
  • issimate the alone of the lemon half and fill all the kefir;
  • add a mixture of yolks, sour cream and mustard to food ingredients;
  • mix thoroughly and remove into the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Useful advice

All products for okroshka are not too large. It will give the dish fragrance and unsurpassed taste. Some hostesses add fresh carrots, beets, onions. These components give the summer soup a kind of taste.

An interesting option is a fish with a sweet taste in the window instead of meat or sausage. Suiter, lin, cod. Delicious gets around and smoked fish.

Push out before cooking vegetables in water. If the leaves of dill and parsley are a little tired - after soaking, they will become beautiful and tight. Water helps to remove nitrates from cucumbers and radishes.

You learned all the secrets of cooking around the kefir. Include a nutrient dish with a centuries-old history in the summer menu. And in winter, I will remind you of warm summer days, and will also be relevant at the dinner table.

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