In this article for beginner cooks, we will fry the fish.
What do we need for this? Everything is easy and simple - we need a heck fish, flour, salt and vegetable oil for frying.
How to clean the fish heck?
The first thing we do is clean the fish. In principle, peeled fish are sold, but still we remove the thin upper film with a knife. It happens and there is still a husk. We cut the insides, we rinse and scratch the paper towel. Try the fish of the Heck completely not to defrost, otherwise you do not cut it down, it will fall apart, so I have a heck fish not completely frost.
The method of cutting Heck
Cut the portion pieces. Try not to cut the slices to cut, because we did not completely melted, this method of cutting will allow the fish well to spit. Fish Heck is good because she has few bones.
Method of cooking Hek
Now we take and salt to taste. Sometimes fish is salted already in a skillet, in our case the salt before the fish is put into the frying pan. It is also necessary to bulk flour on the pieces of heck, about one and a half tablespoon of flour. If the flour is not enough, you can add it a bit. Now we put a frying pan, well warmed, pour vegetable oil and fry the fish of Heck.
Do not hurry to spread the fish: until revenge, the pan does not heat up. In order to check whether it was heated or no take and lower the wooden blade into it. We define that the frying pan is hot. So put the fish, dry up well from all sides with flour and lay out.
Way of roasted Heck
Heck roasted on medium fire and expect to complete the roasters. The color of the roasters should become golden. Do not hurry, after the heck roasted on one side, we will fry about 15 minutes from the second side. Then put pieces on the bar, so that it is beautiful with us from all sides.
Here and ready our fish Heck. We prepared it in 30 minutes. Fish turned out not raw, roasted from all sides. We wish everyone a pleasant appetite and pleasant cooking.