How to Solish Bulls

How to Solish Bulls

If you are an avid fisherman or just like salty fish, then you will definitely use the recipe for a bull's post. Such fish is brought from rest to the sea and it is great for snacks to beer. In our article you will find a detailed description of all levels of preparation, processing and bullback.

Preparing bulls for the ambassador

The bull is considered a universal product. From it you can make fish minced meat, stew, fry and even preserve. But many are preferred to a salt bull. Fish can be squeezed both fresh and frozen, the main thing is to pre-reveal it in a natural way. Prepare salty bulls are very easy and simple, because:

  • bulls do not need to rinse and dry thoroughly;
  • they do not need to gut (many advise the fish to dry with the courses and heads);
  • the main and only spice is the food salt.

Classic recipe ambulance

Soligious bulls are advised in large quantities, starting with 5 kg. It is recommended to use a plastic container, for example, a pelvis. In no case do not solit the fish in the metal dishes. Also, only a kitchen salt must be used for the ambassador. Spice with additives, for example, iodized salt, is not recommended to apply.

  • 1 step - fresh or frostbed bulls need to trust with salt, approximately 1 kg. Fishes need to use 150 g of white spice (take every carcass of the bull and rub her salt well, including the head of the fish, it is necessary to do it over the pelvis so that salt poured right into it);
  • 2 Step - Well-salted fish mixed manually, work accurately, trying to keep the integrity of the carcass;
  • 3 Step - Prepared Fish Remove into a cool place for exactly 24 hours from the first ambulance (if you salt fish in the summer, then the container needs to be removed into the refrigerator, it is important during a compound, bulls cannot be lowered by a food film or a polyethylene package, as the fish will deteriorate );
  • 4 step - after the day after the post is held, drain the salt liquid and fill the bulls with cold water, leave for 20 minutes;
  • 5 step - at the end of the specified time, take the water again and add the cold, leave bulls for 40 minutes. (It is important that the water completely covered fish carcasses);
  • 6 Step - We prepare a wire or a strong twine, sewn or gypsy needle, starting to rope bulls on the rope (it is necessary to do it through the eyes of the fish), the distance between the carcasters should be 3 cm. (Follow the carcasses to contact each other);
  • 7 step - hang the fish "garland" in the sun (the bull is recommended to dry on direct sunlight), protect the carcasters from flies and other insects, groaning gauze (if you dry gobies in the cold season, they must be signed on fresh air and then move them to Room with heating).

You can use fish, as soon as the carcasses are dried, salt and bulls are formed on them significantly decrease in size. The degree of dryness is a bull depends on your taste.

Salted Salt Goby Recipe

Your attention is the one more option for fish. If you like a combination of a gentle and well-caught bull, then you will definitely like this pickup method.

  • 1 step - Use large carcasters to be well for the ambulance, which need to be well stuffed (rinse the fish after giving up there is no need, it should keep the mucus);
  • 2 step - on the bottom of wide dishes (pelvis, pan) Pour salt and put on her the first row of bulls, sprinkle the fish on top with a white spice and lay out more carcasses (to repeat the procedure of the ambassador until the bulls are finished) ;
  • 3 step - to remove the container with fish for 2 days in a cool place without direct sunlight (during the emergency from the bulls will proceed a specific smell, so choose a well-ventilated place);
  • 4 step - at the end of the specified time, drain the brine and fill with cold water, leave it for 2 hours;
  • 5 Step - Mix the knurled fish with your hands and drain the water;
  • 6 Step - Make a drying of the goby in a similar way, as indicated in the first section of the article.

To avoid the development of botulism in the finished product, use only a clean container, protect the fish from flies and other insects.

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