How to smoke skombury

How to smoke skombury

Mackerel is an indispensable product for food with low immunity and general weakness. Meat is easily absorbed, increasing the protective functions of the body, and also regulates the metabolism. Therefore, such a product is necessarily included in the human diet.

Fish is customary to serve for a festive table. Her prepare different ways: fry, bake, marinate, salt in brine. Spicy taste is obtained in smoked mackerel. In order to correctly shrug fish at home carefully follow the tips in the article.

How to smoke Skombia - Choice and Fish Preparation

To achieve a good result when smoking fish, choose a carcass. As you know, the freshness of it happens only the first, the second is already a fucked!

  • If you acquire fresh-frozen fish, then choose carcasses without ice. A good product has a smooth skin without damage. Their presence speaks of re-frost.
  • Be sure to have entire fins that are pressed against the body.
  • Quality fresh fish define the smell. A rotten product produces a sharp aroma, matte skin, greenish stains.
  • It is possible to determine the time of finding fish on the counter in her eyes. When they are muddy and impossible, then the product is nonstable.
  • Regardless of the recipe, the fish must be prepared for smoke. On this you will spend a little time, while achieving a rich taste at meat.
  • First of all, we roll the carcass, rinse it well under running water.
  • Optionally, the head of the fish can be cut off.

How to smoke a skombing - a hot way

This option is preparing the fish involves the use of special smokehouse. It allows you to achieve traditional taste fish.

  • Prepared carcasses Soda in a mixture of salt and spices. Leave in the refrigerator for 5 hours, then dry the napkin. Scumbers spread over the grill on top of each other. This is necessary so that the smoke can envelop the whole fish.
  • Prepare a smokehouse. Place the sawdust first, then a bark with leaves. Install the grille with the fish, close the lid tightly and put on fire. Smoking time depends on the size of the mackerel.
  • Hot smoked way provides for the preparation of fish at high temperatures in a short time. In this case, the product has a saturated woody taste.

How to smoke Skombia - Cold way

The cold smoking method of fish is increasingly popular with the owners. With it, the meat is carried out gentle, with a bright fish taste and saves all the beneficial properties of the product.

  • Well, soda soda each carcass, wrap in the fabric and put in the refrigerator for 12 hours. Then get the fish, rush from salt, hang in a cool place.
  • After the carcasses will dry, place them on the grille and put in the smoking device.
  • This method of preparation of the product differs from hot. Smoking has another design. In it, smoke is served along a long pipe where it is cooled. The temperature does not exceed 25 degrees, which is why cooking can reach the day.

How to smoke a scumber - without using the device

If you do not have a special design for smoking, then you can prepare a spicy taste with spicy taste in several ways.

How to smoke a scumbering with liquid smoke

In grocery stores can be found on the shelves liquid smoke. Its use in the recipe gives the finished dish taste of smoking and inherent color. Prepare fish with liquid smoke is quite easy.


  • medium-sized fish - 5 pcs.;
  • salt of large grinding - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • brown sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • liquid smoke - 80 ml.;
  • cold water - 1 l.

Cooking process:

  • First prepare marinade. Water boost, pour sugar with salt. Wait until the grains are dissolved. Remove from the fire, add a solution of liquid smoke.
  • Cold brine Put in the container. Prepared carcasses lower in liquid, set the oppression from above.
  • Advice. For convenient marinion, you can put the scumbers in a plastic bottle or jar.
  • Leave the fisher to the three days in a cool place or put the refrigerator on the shelf.
  • Then rinse the carcasses, dry and serve to the table.

How to smoke a skombing in the onion husk

Liquid smoke is an artificial additive. Adherents of natural ingredients will suit the recipe for smoked mackerel using dry onion husks.

Prepare products:

  • skombia - 2 pcs;
  • sea salt - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • whole bay sheet - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar sand - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • onion husks - 2 glasses;
  • water - 1 l.;
  • welding black tea;
  • spices and seasonings to taste.


  • Fold onion husks in the pan, pour water and bring to a boil. Leave it to boil 25 minutes, then remove from the stove. The mixture is resurface from the bow keeper. Black tea pour boiling water, tapping 5-10 minutes.
  • In a separate container, mix the decoction of husk, welding and spices. Pour prepared carcass marinade.
  • Install the press, put them in the refrigerator for 3 days. During the salting, turn the fish every 5-6 hours.
  • After the specified period, remove the mackerel, sweat it to the touch. Only when the fish will dry completely, you can eat.

How to smoke a macker with tea

There is another way to cry a scumbers with dry welding. This option involves smoking at home without purchasing a special device.

For two carcake carcakes, you will need such products:

  • dry black tea - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 1 l.;
  • a mixture of spices for fish - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • fig - 170 gr.


  • 2 days before the smoking of the mackerel, prepare Fig. Push it into deep containers, add water, leave the grain to swell. Then mix the cereal with a half tea and put on the foil. Top pinched a small hole for smoke.
  • Prepare brine. Fall off the spices in boiled water, the second part of the tea, salt and sugar. Heat him 20 minutes, then cool down.
  • Fish to fold into the cauldron container, pour the marinade and leave in the refrigerator for a day. Then drain the brine, carcasses to dry with paper towels.
  • Foil with a mixture of tea and rice put on the bottom of the pan. Put it on the middle fire and wait until smoke begins to appear.
  • Next to install the grille with fish. Tightly close the capacitance cover, reduce the fire.
  • Smoke carcasses for 30 minutes on each side. Then cool and eat.

How to smoke Skombia - Useful Tips

A good taste of fish depends not only from the ingredients and method of preparation, but also from smoking secrets. Be sure to use them in working with the product.

  • If you bought a mackerel in a frozen state, then before it uses it is necessary to defrost. Do it at room temperature or on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.
  • Before smoking the fish in the device, the carcass are well dried with napkins or lay out onto a kitchen towel.
  • When we take carcass, be sure to remove the black film inside. She gives bitterness to the finished dish.
  • Add a small amount of soy sauce into the brine. So the meat will acquire a subtle aroma and dark color.
  • Save the juicy fish juice, if you do not cut it into parts. Therefore, prepare the scumbers in general or without a head.

How to smoke Skombia - Proper Storage

Depending on the method of cooking fish, its shelf life is different. So the longest storage period of cold smoking carcasses. It is up to 60 days.

  • The hot smoking process will save the scumbard for a month.
  • The smallest period of freshness of smoked fish, which is cooked with onion husk, liquid smoke or tea.
  • In addition, smoked carcasses must be stored in a cool place with low humidity. Often air the room to provide the influx of fresh air.
  • If you store the finished dish in the refrigerator, then it should be wrapped by its food film. So a strong aroma of smoked fish will not go to other products.

Smoking the scumbers at home is simply. The main thing is to clearly follow the recipe and fulfill all the recommendations listed. Only then you will have a fish with a rich taste and a pleasant aroma.

For another recipe for smoking mackerel, see here:

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