How to smoke Karp

How to smoke Karp

Smoked to love everything without exception. First, it is insanely tasty, and secondly it is easy and inexpensive.

To choose a carp and how to smoke with a special responsibility, since freshwater fish is infected with parasites. It is advisable to give preference to the hot way of smoking (more than 70 degrees), and only in the case of your absolute confidence as a fish, you can use the cold way. But we will tell about a more delicious way and safe - hot smoked.

Although many gourmets love to smoke freshly detected Carp in field conditions during fishing, no need to forget that it will be most tasty with careful many hours. Therefore, before the upcoming picnic, it is better to bother over the salting and how to prepare. This will allow you to maximize the result.

The first and important item is a choice of fish, buy a fresh carp - the right decision, you will be at least sure that the fish is in excellent condition and is suitable if you buy already frozen or cooled, pay attention to the gills and eyes. Gills should be saturated-pink, and eyes are not muddy. It is the choice of high-quality fish will create a masterpiece of smoked, otherwise nothing will come.

Classic way to smoke carp

Ingredients count on the number of guests. On the secondary company:

  • Carp - 3 kg.
  • Salt - 7 tbsp. spoons.
  • Pepper red and black - 1.5 tbsp. spoons.
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons.

Before salting, cutting fish and cut the gills, leaving the scales. Salt, pepper and sugar mix and rub the carcasses both inside and outside and send to the refrigerator for half a day for the impregnation of marinade. The second preparatory stage: It is necessary to post fish on drafts at 12 o'clock, but not in the sun, it is desirable to tie marley. So carp gets dry and leaving an extra moisture, and the texture of the finished dish will be more dense.

  • Karp smoke better on Olkhovy Sliers, on a church-tree chip or juniper, but this is a matter of taste, therefore there are no limits for experiments, you can try apple trees, Elm, Klyon, Lipon, Oak, Beech, Osin. Slug soaked for 15 minutes.

  • The lattice we wipe the foil and, laying out the fish, cover the foil, this method will save from Nagara. And everyone is ready until readiness for 40-45 minutes.

How to smoke carp. Spicy smoking with mustard


  • Carp - 3 kg.
  • Mustard French in grains - 3 teaspoons.
  • Coarse pepper - 2 teaspoons.
  • Salt large - 80 grams.

Clean the carp, cut off your head and cut the carcass in half along the spine or on the steaks, the half. One and a half liters of water mix with salt, it is possible to completely dissolve, pour the billet with brine so that it completely covers the fish and send to the refrigerator for 12 hours, it is possible a little longer. After time, we get and dry up with paper towels in order to remove excess moisture. Then the pieces should be pulled alternately in pepper and mustard several times.

After preparation, as in the first recipe, we send in the smokehouse for the same technology, but since the pieces are less than 30-35 minutes.

Bon Appetit.

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