How to salute the mackerel at home tasty and fast

How to salute the mackerel at home tasty and fast

Juicy meat of mackerel is not only useful, but also tasty. Such salt fish can become a decoration of the table as in the form of a snack or separate dish. You can cook at home quickly and easily, the main thing to adhere to the formulation and clearly follow the advice and recommendations in this article.

How to salute to the scumbers at home - Features of the recipe

  • The dish is delicious if used for salting fresh fish carcasses. But you can cook fish and frozen meat, just first defrost it at room temperature.
  • When buying fresh fish, pay attention to its freshness. Eyes should be slightly convex and transparent, and skin without damage and yellow spots. Give preference to carcasses of a large or medium size - their meat when salting will be more fragrant.
  • Before using the fish for the recipe, it must be prepared. Fresh carcasses need to be rinsed from possible contaminants. Then cut off the head and all fins.

  • Cut the abdomen with a sharp knife, get inside and remove the black film from the inside of the carcass. After that, rinse the fish under running water and dry with paper towels.

  • Some hostesses love to salt fish with head. In this case, it is necessary to buy already planned carcasses or freshly frozen.
  • If you want to speed up the sump process, then cut the carcass on the part.
  • There are several recipes for the preparation of salt mackerel, which differ in the number of spices. But the main choices are a dry way in the brine.

How to salute to the mackerel at home in a dry way

This is the easiest and fastest form of fish preparation, in which you do not need to soak meat in the marinade.

Ingredients for the recipe:

  • mackerel - 5 pcs. 400-450 gr.;
  • salt - 6 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • spices to taste.

Advice. For a uniform meat post, use sea salt and better large grinding. It will slowly dissolve and gradually saturate the fish with salt. Also use brown sugar for the recipe, it is more useful and fragrant.

Preparation course:

  • Purified and washed fish must be discussed from extra moisture. If you wish, you can cut a carcass on the portion pieces, but the fish and in general the form is preparing quickly.
  • In a separate container, mix the salt with sugar. If you like to use other spices for fish, add them to a dry mixture. For one fish you will need about 1.5 tbsp. l. Spices.

  • Take one carcass, open your stomach and pour sugar with salt.

  • My fingers carefully wrap the mixture into meat throughout the inside of the fish.

  • At the bottom of the container where the fish will salt, put a little salt and sugar. Put on the top of the carcass and spray with a mixture for the pickling.

  • In the same way, prepare the rest of the fish. From above, cover the container of gauze or cloth, put it in the refrigerator for a day.
  • After the specified time, remove the carcasses, rush them from salt and spices. Put on a kitchen towel, so that the extra moisture has absorbed.
  • When submitting to the table, cut the carcass on the portion pieces, toppace with vegetable oil and decorate the chopped greens.

How to sprinkle a scumbard at home - spicy ambassador

If you prefer meat mackerel with a rich taste of spices, then prepare the fish in the following way.

You will need such products at the rate of one carcass:

  • water - 220 ml.;
  • sea salt - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar sand - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • spices (bay leaf, black and fragrant peas, carnation, coriander) - to taste.


  • For this method of salting you will additionally need a container. It is best to use a plastic container with a dense lid.
  • Fish prepare and fold in the container. Try to place the carcasters as close as possible so that it does not float during the pickling.

  • Pour the filtered water into the pan, put on the stove and boil. Then put the spices, salt and pour sugar. Boil the brine for another couple of minutes, remove from the stove and cool to room temperature.

  • Cold marinade fill the fish, cover the lid and put in cold for 2-4 days. Solutions time determine depending on the desired taste.

  • Fish is served to the table cut into pieces and seasoned with any vegetable oil and onions.

How to Sawtool Skumbrian at home - a weakly salted recipe

This method of cooking salty fish is suitable for a large number of carcasses and it will be appreciated by lovers of gentle taste.

You will need such ingredients:

  • fresh fish - 5 kg;
  • large salt - 1 kg.

For marinada:

  • water - 2 l.;
  • sea salt - 0.5 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Masca rinse and pull out the insides, but do not cut the stomach. You can do it through the gills.

  • Make a weak salty solution. In cold water, dissolve 0.5 kg. Salt. Immerse fish into the water for 5 minutes. After you get a carcass, put on the towel and let the water drain.

  • Sprinkle the bottom capacity for the pickling salt, put the fish and on top of the same spray. One carcass you will need 1 tbsp. l. Salt. Set the oppression and leave for a day in the refrigerator.

  • For brine boost water, let it cool and dissolve the remaining salt in it (400 gr.).

  • After the specified time, drain the extra liquid after the fleet of fish and pour the brine. In such a state, the scumbers can be stored in a cool place for a week.

Following such a simple recipes, you can easily resolve the scumbers at home. Bon Appetit!

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