How to salon salmon caviar at home

How to salon salmon caviar at home

If you like to cook, then you can try to saline caviar at home. Each consumer must understand that the cheese of the caviar is much less. Than when you get it in the finished form, so this factor and should be a stimulus to try to cook for you, salting the caviar at home.

Child Nuances

For those who do not know the salmon caviar is not only tasty, but to all of the time, and useful. Most often, the consumer acquires such a caviar already in the finished form. It can be in plastic, glass or tin cans. The consumer focuses most often on the cost of caviar, and not on its qualitative characteristics, a clear case, because such a product is worth a lot.

In fact, the consumer must choose the caviar, which is made on Sakhalin, Vladivostok or Kamchatka - this is exactly what a real caviar is made, but also the pricing policy of such a product is not suitable for everyone. When buying, you also need to pay attention to the ATU of manufacturing. Because the highest quality caviar is manufactured from the end of August of the month to October (because it is at this period that the process of spawning is underway).

For consumer information - most often the consumer offers frozen raw materials, which means that the benefits are a bit, and the cost is high, it turns out that we spend money in vain. The quality product in its composition contains salt, caviar and two preservative - no more, this is an important criterion of high-quality product.

Choosing a ready-made caviar in the store, you need to pay attention to the following factors:

  • Marking. A very important factor for which every consumer is obliged to pay their close attention. First of all, on a high-quality product, the marking will be embarrassed from the inside and is on the lid (on its inside).
  • Take a jar with caviar. Shake it and there should be no bouffaging in the bank. If the product will be laid tight enough - there will be no space in the bank.
  • If the caviar is sold in the bank, it should be glass and transparent. Here pay attention to the density of the packaging, as well as the size of the cheek and their picking.
  • If the caviar is real in its composition will contain calcium, vitamins A and E, proteins, etc. Specialists suggest that regular use of caviar is an excellent preventive tool to increase immunity.

Some consumers when buying red fish, find inside caviar - do not throw it away, because you can sleep with your own hands. First, remove the film from it, and then proceed to the salmon.

Proven recipes

In order to sleep at home to the caviar, many ingredients are not needed. So, the necessary components:

  • Chang red - in the amount you found or bought
  • Water - plastic liter (preferably used for salting boiled)
  • Salt - 55 g (petoxide)
  • Oil of plant origin - 1 tsp.

The caviar that you got into the belly of red fish can be subjected to various methods of cooking - cook, salt, fry. If you decide to sleep with caviar, the process of salting is made in this way:

  • First, I spread the caviar in the dishes and poured with boiled water (the temperature of the water in this case should be 45 degrees no more).
  • In such a state, it will be necessary to leave the caviar for 25 minutes, and then proceed to removing the film from the cheek.
  • We rinse the caviar under running water and wait until all the excess liquid has a stealing from it. Make such a procedure you need 3 times, or even 4.
  • Pour some deep dishes. Some water, in which we will breed salt. When you mix these two ingredients, pour salt solution to caviar. In this form, we leave it for the salting for 12 minutes. More time to the salting is not necessary, this will be enough.
  • Now you need to merge salt water from caviar. Now the salty caviar must be poured on a previously unfolded napkin. Such a procedure is necessary in order for all the extra moisture, which is in Icrea, has gone.
  • Caviar is ready, now you need to put it in a glass jar and pour a bit of olive oil there. Teaspoon will be enough.
  • It remains only to leave it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, after which it is already possible to use it inside.

Can be caught by caviar of different fish - salmon, trout, quiet, ket, etc.

Solim Icra Salmon.

Now let's look at another proven salmon caviar salmon recipe. Step-by-step caviar will look like this:

  • We have a carcass in the hands of a caviar. We need to get it from there, get rid of the film, then sleep.
  • We take a thin rifle (the perfect version - march), fold several times to ultimately you have a kind of sleeve.
  • It turns out that the foam will remain inside this sleeve, and on its surface a clean caviar, which can already be seized.
  • The process under review is necessary in a special solution, which in the people is called Tuzluk (excessively siny solution).
  • In 250 ml of warm water, it is necessary to dissolve a couple of sugar and salt spoons. This saline solution must be boiled and left for a while so that it is cooled to room temperature.
  • I spread the caviar to gauze, tie in the form of a bag and omit in the saline solution. After an hour of the ambassador, lay out the caviar on the colander and rinse under running water.

Caviar is ready to use. Bon Appetit!

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