How to pickle seler at home

How to pickle seler at home

Salted herring is a universal snack. It can be used by separate pieces or make the main ingredient in the dish. But the most delicious fish of homemade cooking, in the store that does not buy. If you do not know how to salt the herring, then this article will help you.

How to salute the Searer at home - the choice of carcass

Before getting fishing, pay special attention to the choice of product when purchasing. The taste and aroma of the finished dish directly depends on the quality of the carcass.

  • Put your preference fresh fish with skin uniform and without damage. Buy carcasses with heads, as they are an indicator of fish quality.
  • Grooms in fresh red fish, transparent eyes. Always sniff the product, even if it is frozen. With rotten smell you can feel in any case.
  • If you want to cook more bold meat, then buy fish with milk. Carcasses with caviar will have dry meat. To determine the milk or caviar from the fish, slightly press your fingers fishery near the tail. Through a small hole, the contents are squeezed by which you will see the result.
  • You can determine the high-quality fresh-frozen herring along transparent convex eyes, uniform pains of the peel and pressed against the fins.

How to pickle seler at home by the Dutch way

There are several classic cooking recipes. But especially delicious meat prepared by the Dutch way. His feature is that herring will salt small pieces with the addition of oil in a jar with onions, carrots and lemon.

You will need such products for 2 carcasters:

  • louk with medium-sized carrots - 1 pcs.;
  • half of lemon;
  • sea salt - 2 h.;
  • sugar sand - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil (sunflower or olive);
  • bay leaf, black and fragrant pepper - to taste.


  • Frozen carcasses defrost at room temperature or in cold water. Separate fish on fillet in conventional way. If you do not know how to do it, then open the belly, get all the insides and rinse well from the inside.

  • Then cut the head, the top fin and take a deep incision on the back of the carcass.

  • To remove the skin from the fish, let it easily with a knife from the side of the head and dramatically remove from meat. At the same time hold a carcass with a free hand.

  • Make an incision on the ridge near the tail, then remove the meat with the spine with a knife. Do it on the other side of the fish.

  • Clean the finished parts of the fillet again from the bones, rinse and dry with paper towels.

  • Meat cut into portion pieces. Onions cut down with semirings, carrots rings, and lemon - slices.

  • Prepare small banks. Additionally, they do not need to sterilize them. On the bottom, put a small amount of carrots, onions, lemon and spices.

  • Top of vegetables lay a layer of fish. Try to place pieces as close to each other.

  • Evenly sprinkle the meat with a pinch of salt and two sugars.

  • Then put the layer of vegetables and spices again, on top of the fish. Alternate layers until you fulfill the bank.

  • Capacity Fill with oil and put marinated herring for a day in a cool place or in the refrigerator.

  • Serve salt herring with black bread, onions and carrots.

How to sleep searer at home whole

No less tasty is the fish prepared in general. It salts longer time than pieces, but from this taste becomes more pronounced.

Products for the recipe that you need - only salt and fish. Seasoned ready-made meat pieces.

  • Let's clean each carcass, cut the stomach and clean well. For uniform salts, make one long incision along the ridge.

  • Wash the fish thoroughly, fold in a large container and fill with cold water. Leave for a couple of hours, the blood came out of meat.

  • While the fish is soaked, prepare a strong solid solution. In cold water, dissolve the glass of salt, then add it in a small amount. Check the strength of the mixture of the mixture with potatoes or raw egg. If they surfaced, it means that the solution is ready.

  • Bring the mixture to boil and remove from the stove. So the salt will finally dissolve and the whole garbage and impurities that were on salt will fall on the bottom.
  • After the fish exhausted, get it out of the water, spread on the table and let me dry. But do not leave it too long in the air, otherwise the meat will be torn.

  • At the bottom of the large container, put sat down with a thin layer of salt.

  • Meat from all sides to dear salt, and also wake her well in the belly of each carcass. Prepared fish transfer to the container.

  • At the top, sprinkle a carcass salt.

  • Then, in the container, fill the cooled salt solution. Within two days, fish can be eaten. But you can leave meat to salt another day, if you prefer a more rich taste.

  • Within two-three days, fish must be taken from the marinade, rinse well and dry. Store carcasses can be simply in the refrigerator or even freeze.
  • Feed to the table sliced \u200b\u200bon the pieces of meat, seasoned with vegetable oil and onions.

Herring salts recipes at home a lot, but try an unusual way to cook fish. This will help you recipes with step-by-step photos. Bon Appetit!

About how to cook a low-headed Spicy Hall Searer Look at the video:

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