How to smoke bream

How to smoke bream

Fish - useful tasty, if, of course, know how to cook it. On fishing, it is possible to catch different fish, and if it is bream, then it is better to bury it. Let's talk today about how to smoke bream and what you need to know about the nuances of this process.

Smoked nuances bream

Immediately I would like to say that bream is such a fish that is great for smoking at home. This can be done not necessarily in the smokehouse, but also in the open bonorable. The cooking process itself is very simple, so there should be no problems with it, but ultimately you get a very tasty fish that will have to taste to all and everyone.

If there is a smokehouse - the process becomes easier several times, if there is no such "unit", do not worry, because you can cry in the bucket in the bucket (the main thing is that the capacity of the desired volume is at hand).

If you choose a container for smoking this fish. The main thing is to remember that the capacity of the NIB should be painted, because the larger temperatures will be filled with paint and you will spoil and the container, and the fish, there is no place for sure.

Preparation of fish

It all starts with the preparation of fish, because from this, it would seem, the initial process. Ultimately and will depend on the taste of the cooked dish:

  • if you ourselves fish, then preferably cook it in the first day after you caught her
  • In the event that you buy fish, then pay attention to the fact that it has been fresh and no unpleasant smell.
  • Bream is such a fish that you can smoke without cutting it pre-in pieces.
  • It should also be noted that the bream is low-calorie fish, so you can enjoy smoked bream and at the same time will not get directed per gram.
  • Before you begin to the process of smoking, caught or purchased fish, it will be necessary to rinse thoroughly.
  • Do not forget that from fish you need to pull out all the insides, pre-triggered it belly.
  • In the case of head, it can be used to cut it, and leave, there are no specific rules in this case.
  • Now that the fish is clean and without internships, it needs to be soldered. To do this, you can use a variety of seasonings and, of course, salt. Just rub the carcass with all the seasonings, and we do it on both sides and inside too.

A typical bream preparation recipe for smoke:

  • a couple of bream of medium size
  • salt and seasonings mixed with each other

More in this process there will be no other ingredients.

Splesh bream at home

After you set the carcasses, it is necessary to give them broken over a couple of hours, after which you can move to the smoking process.

It is very easy to smoke fish in a special device - smoking, which you can also use without any problems on your gas or electric stove:

  • First we fumble in such a smokehouse of charcoal or, for example, sins.
  • From above, you need to install the grid (grille) and put a carcass in one layer on it.
  • Now we cover the smoking device with a special cover and ignite the fire.
  • The bream preparation time in this case will be no more than 40 minutes, so long ago to wait for full cooking, which cannot but rejoice.
  • Do not forget that every 7-8 minutes. In mandatory, it is necessary to open the lid and do everything possible for the smoke to come out of it. This procedure is mandatory for successful preparation of such fish.
  • No one says that it is impossible to cook a bream for more than 40 minutes. In fact, the process can last up to one and a half hours.
  • In order to determine whether the fish is ready or not, you need to pierce her flesh with something sharp. And in the event that blood is highlighted from the carcass, it means that the bream is not yet ready for use, but if, no fluid comes out, it means everything can be removed from the fire.

Experienced people who know about the process of smoking everyone says that it is very simple to remove the skirt with smoked bream (you can make it one hand movement), in the case of a crude carcass - this process may become more complicated, because the skin will be filmed together with meat .

Cold smoking bream

For such a process, liquid smoke is most often used. Some argue that this is not a natural process, because the liquid smoke is considered to be a chemical composition, which means that nothing good in this case, he cannot give fish, except for the saturation of the carcass, harmful components. Those who still decide to try this method, further information will be useful.

When using this composition, it is not necessary to light fire and carry out the process of smoking on it, and therefore it is also reduced by the time of spectacle. It is believed that the bream of cold smoking is preparing and quickly, and simply. The process is as follows:

  • Clean the carcass of fish from the internships and, of course, husks.
  • As in the previous recipe we rinse it under running water, wash all kinds of contaminants from her body.

  • We cut the carcass into two equal parts and leave for graze for several hours.
  • For the next stage of preparation, we need a liquid smoke - we pour it into a fairly deep container, where the fish will be prepared.
  • Put fish in a liquid smoke and leave in such a state for fun 20 minutes. The last stage - take the bream for the tail, for it, hang it upside down. It is best to choose a place on a draft, in order for the breakage after 24 hours a bream was ready for use.

That's so simple you can cook smoked bream.

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