How to cook Putassu?

How to cook Putassu?

Putassu is considered to be the innocent and dietary fish rich in vitamins A and D. Its fat contributes to victory over atherosclerosis, and the meat has a delicate taste. From this useful deep-sea fish can be cooked both hot and the second dish for any table, if you know the desired recipe.

Fried Putssu

Roasted fish - universal dish, which is eaten with any side dish or sauce. For cooking you will need:

  • 1 kg Frozen Putassu
  • 2 tbsp. Wheat flour
  • Half lemon
  • 3 tbsp.l. Sunflower oil
  • 15 g Soli.


  1. Frozen fish are left in the refrigerator for 12 hours, and before cooking about 30 minutes. Keep in the kitchen to finally melted. This is done so that the fish fillet retains its taste properties.
  2. Ground-frozen Putassa is separated - remove fins and tail, as well as their heads with internships. In the process of cleaning, it is necessary to remove the black film in the poultry of the fish, otherwise it will give me a bitter taste when cooking. Purified fish is washed under running water.
  3. Half lemon cut circles. In a shallow capacity, spread fish, salted and pepper. From above squeeze lemon juice and closed the fish lemon. After that, leave it to marinate for 20-30 minutes.
  4. Flour and fish are poured into the plate and fish fall in it from two sides. At this time, they put the frying pan on the big fire and pour oil into it. When it is warm up, the fire is reduced and the Putassa is roasted on both sides within 4 minutes. Before serving to the table, the oil from the fish is cleaned with a paper towel.

Putassu in Multivarka

Stewed Putassu comes out especially gentle, if it is prepared using a slow cooker. For the preparation of this dish, the following components are needed:

  • 2 tbsp. Sunflower oil
  • 1 kg of Putassu
  • Several potatoes
  • 2 Lukovitsy
  • Carrot
  • Salt

Cooking method:

  1. Fish is defrosting if it was frozen. Then brush from unnecessary parts, indoors and well washed.
  2. Carrots clean and rub on a grater to come out a large straw. Purified potatoes are cut by cubes, the onions are crushed.
  3. The bottom of the slow cooker is lubricated with oil, then laid out fillet and vegetables. Before cooking, everything is solid and pepper, stirred and closed with a lid. Select the cooking mode "Rice \\ Fish" and extinguish about 45 minutes.

Stewed putassu with vegetables served on a table with tomato sauce or greens.

Putassa in Mediterranean

This is one of the most delicious options for cooking Putassa. Fish becomes unusually juicy and literally melts in the mouth. Most often, the fish is thus cooked with vegetables or porridge.

  • 1 Putassu. It is better to take large fish.
  • 2 closet garlic
  • Tomato
  • 45 g of tomato paste
  • 2 Lukovitsy
  • A little dry oregano
  • 25 g of butter cream
  • 3 melted cheese


  1. Frozen fish defrost and clean, removing all unnecessary. Then it is thoroughly washed.
  2. Onions clean and cut in small slices. After that, lay out onto a frying pan and fry until readiness. Then mix with pasta and continue to stew another 10 minutes.
  3. The baking sheets are fooled and spread garlic with cream oil on it with circles.
  4. The top of the roasted onion, mixed with pasta, and chopped on large pieces of putassa are added from above. It is poured the remaining part of the sauce, salted, oregano sprinkled and finely chopped melted routines.
  5. Tomato is cut into cubes and add to the fish, after that, the foil wrap in the form of an envelope. Baked Putassu in a preheated oven at a temperature of 180 ° C. Cooking takes from 30 to 45 minutes.

Putassu in the oven

Thanks to the cooking, Putassa retains all its useful qualities. Because of the presence in the recipe of vegetables, this dish is full and does not need a bar.

  • 4 things. Putassu
  • 6 Znevka garlic
  • 1 Luke Head
  • 125 g of solid cheese
  • Bell pepper
  • Tomato
  • 2 tsp mayonnaise
  • A little parsley
  • Sunflower oil
  • Basil
  • Pepper with salt
  • 5 ppm sour cream


  1. Freated and purified fish are eliminated from bones. Peppers wash and cut into thin longitudinal plates. Tomatoes wash and cut in small slices, onions - half rings. Garlic only clean.
  2. Onions roasted in a frying pan until readiness. The portion is shifted into a pre-prepared capacity, and half the pepper with garlic and tomatoes are added to the remaining half of the pan. Vegetables continue to stew more than 7 minutes.
  3. Basil is added to stewed vegetables, solid and extinguished 5 minutes. After that, they are shifted into the tank for cooking. Fillet rubbed the mixture of pepper with salt and put on vegetables.
  4. The part of the roasted onion is set aside with the sour cream, add to the mixture mayonnaise. The resulting sauce lubricates fish and sprinkle with grated with cheese. After that, the container is placed in a pre-preheated oven and bake 25 minutes. While the fish will not shovel.

Dishes from this fish are universal and are appropriate for both the daily menu and on a festive feast. They can be very sophisticated or very simple - depending on the preferences of the hostess.

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