How to cook sprats?

How to cook sprats?

Sprat like almost everything. Of them can cook all sorts of salads and appetizers, and sandwiches with sprats on a festive table diverge first. On the shelves there are a huge number of jars of sprats from different manufacturers. Each plant for the production of canned sprats have individual technology, but whether they are carried out in good faith do not know why, to be sure of the quality of the product, sprats better prepare yourself at home.

We prepare the necessary products

For the preparation of sprat in the home need to take a small fish without scales, such as sprat, herring or capelin. The fish can be used both fresh and frozen, the main defrost it before cooking.


  • small fish (herring better select or capelin) - 1 kg;
  • black tea without flavorings - 6 tsp .;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs .;
  • salt (preferably iodinated marine) - 2 tsp .;
  • vegetable oil (preferably take unrefined, odor) - 150 g;
  • boiling water - 1 cup;
  • pepper - 10 pcs.

If you want to taste smoked sprats was more, it is possible to use liquid smoke. 1 kg of fish will suffice 0.5 tsp. But, if you want to dish it was natural, then we can do without these additives, sprats will be no less tasty.

Step-by-step recipe

Before you start cooking sprat home, you should know that they are preparing to 3 hours, and while cooking in the kitchen will stand the peculiar smell of fish that would be difficult to deduce. Therefore, during cooking, always turn on the hood or open windows.

  • Step 1 - Clean the fish, gut it carefully (it is better to cut the abdomen), all intestine must be removed;
  • Stage 2 - Rinse each fish under running water;
  • Stage 3 - the tea and pour boiling water to brew 10 minutes, drain thoroughly;
  • Stage 4 - merge into the strained tea deep container, add salt and vegetable oil, to move;
  • Stage 5 - put the sampling on the tray (required backs up and very tight to each other);
  • Stage 6 - Pour the fish received by marinade, add bay leaf and fragrant pepper;
  • 7 Stage - in the cold oven put a baking sheet, heating up to 220 degrees;
  • 8 Stage - When the marinade in disintegrate will shift 3 minutes, reduce the temperature to 150 degrees and leave another 2.5 hours;
  • 9 Stage - Checking the readiness of the Schrot is needed using a fork, as soon as the bones of the fish become soft, the dish is ready;
  • 10 Stage - cool the sprats to room temperature and move them to the refrigerator for 5 hours (because of this cooling, the springs will not decay).

Many hostesses for a golden sprot color are added to a bulky husk. It must be put on top of the fish and bake as well as indicated above.

How to feed sprats on the table?

Now that the springs of their own preparation are ready, you need to take care of how to properly serve them on the table. The winch is the winch, the feed variations are very much, but most popular are:

  • 1 Option - White Baton smeared with butter and lay out 2 pieces of sampling, decorate parsley twig;
  • 2 option - make a toast or prepare a crouton in a pan, smear by mayonnaise and lay out sprats, decorate the cucumber slicker;
  • 3 option - rub the garlic slice and mix with mayonnaise, the resulting sauce to smear on the bread and lay out sprats, decorate with chopped greens;
  • 4 Option - boiled egg to grind and connect with a chopped green onion, obtained with a mixture to smell bread and on top of putting sprats;
  • 5 Option - White Baton smeared with butter, sprinkle with solid cheese and lay out the sprats, also sprinkle with cheese from above, bake for 10 minutes, decorate with greens, serve hot.

Now the sprats can be prepared at home, enjoy the incredible taste and are not afraid that they can harm health.

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