How to cook crucia in sour cream?

How to cook crucia in sour cream?

Crucian in sour cream - very tasty and at the same time easy to perform a dish. For frying and baking, small fish carcasses are best suited - they will quickly cross, and the meat will save soft and tender texture.

Cooking crucia in sour cream - Preparation of the necessary products

Prepare ingredients:

  • 6 small karas (120 - 150 g each).
  • 1.5 glasses of fatty sour cream.
  • 50 g of butter.
  • Packing flour.
  • Salt, spices and spices to taste.

Cooking crucia in sour cream - stages of cooking

  1. The initial stage includes fish preparation. Karasay should be flushed, remove scales and inside as much as possible. Feds and tail can be concentrated, but you can leave. They will not interfere.
  2. To remove excess moisture from the surface of the fish, wash it with paper towels.
  3. Place a large salt, black pepper peas and dried spicy herbs in a ceramic or wooden mortar. All components are pulled into a single mass.
  4. Lock the resulting fish carcasses. Do not forget to handle not only the back, but also the abdomen of crucian. Postpone fish aside for 15-20 minutes.
  5. After the specified time, proceed to breading - roll in the flour of each crucian. The fish sucked towels, so many flour will not stick (which was necessary).
  6. Next, start frying fish. Separate a small fragment of butter and recover it in the pan. Melted oil (exclusively oil, and not spread) lubricate the entire surface of the frying pan.
  7. Laying fish carcasses. At this stage, cooking is not worth the task of getting a ready-made dish. Your goal is an appetizing golden crust on both sides of the crucian. Follow the fish to be burned. If the frying of the fish occurs in several stages, for each subsequent portion it is necessary to take fresh oil.
  8. When the necessary effect is achieved, put the fish carcasses into one layer in a ferry-resistant glass form. Capacity is pre-smeared with butter.
  9. Next, take a thick and fatty sour cream. Lay out the product with a spoon on top of fried crucia, trying to prevent gaps. Needless to cover the fish sour cream is also not worth it. Leave the dish for 10 minutes.
  10. Preheat the oven to 230 - 240 ° C. Send a dish with crucible in the oven. Cooking time - 30 minutes from the bottom of the sweeping sour cream.

Cooking crucia in sour cream - little secrets

  • One of the main "minuses" of Casia is the abundance of small bones. Soften the bones of fish will help lemon juice. On both sides of the fish make small notches, and after - splashing them with lemon juice.
  • Piquant note of the product will give the Anisian seeds. Use them when processing the crucian salt and spices.
  • Posted by fish new taste notes will help stuffing the abdomen. Before placing a dish in the ovenslobe hide into the abdominal ring of tomato and a leaf of the basil.

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