How to prepare a thick-carp in the oven?

How to prepare a thick-carp in the oven?

Fish baked in the oven may become not only everyday delicacy, but also the spectacular decoration of the festive table. Poltolobrob meat has a rich vitamin and mineral composition. The baking of the carcass in the oven will allow not only to maintain the maximum number of useful elements, but also softening the bones of the fish.

How to bake a thick-carp in the oven pieces?

For cooking, prepare:

  • 1 carcassolub carcass.
  • 2 small tomatoes.
  • 1 Owka head.
  • 1 carrot.
  • 90 g of solid cheese.
  • 50 ml of lemon juice or wine vinegar.
  • Salt, spices (it is possible to use the finished seasoning for fish).

Steps of Tolstolobook Cooking:

  1. Fish carcass fluster, clean from scales, remove head and luxury. The prepared carcass is cut across the medium-sized steaks.
  2. Next, the thick-carp must be poured with lemon juice and deceive with spices. Sewing fish aside for 15 minutes - marinate meat. Ginger and soy sauce fans can use these products as marinated. It is necessary to connect 20 ml of soy sauce, a tablespoon of grated ginger, 40 ml of lemon juice, a pinch of sugar and spices (paprika, seasoning for fish).
  3. At this time, do vegetables. Onions and carrots are so clean and cut. Onions are bubbling with thin half rings, carrots - straw. Tomatoes also wash and cut by ringlets.
  4. Now take a baking tray. Love on it a foil sheet. In the middle part form a carrot pillow. Fish steaks on it. Next, the thick-carp coat onions. Out of onion have tomato rings.
  5. Foil Foils Lift up and hide around the edge, leaving an open center (exit for steam).
  6. Send a baking sheet in the oven, heated to 180 ° C. Cooking time - 25 minutes.
  7. Next, disclose foil, leaving only the side on the edge, and sprinkle with grated cheese.
  8. Return a baking sheet in the oven for another 15 minutes.

You can feed fish in the same foil.

How to bake a thick-carp in the oven?

The following ingredients will be required for cooking:

  • Puttolver carcass (if you plan to bake the whole fish, stop your choice on not too large carcasses).
  • 1 lemon.
  • 1-2 Luke heads.
  • 60 g low-fat sour cream.
  • Fresh dill.
  • Bay leaf.
  • Salt, seasonings.


  1. Moose fish carcass, remove the scaly, clean the insides and separate your head.
  2. Next, rub the thick-carp with spices, splash the juice of halves of lemon. Give the fish to "stand" about 15-20 minutes.
  3. Next, spread the foil sheet on the tray, and on top of it - onion pillow (onions cut the middle thickness by half rings) and laurel leaves.
  4. Walk along cut fish ridge. The remaining lemon is cut by semirings and put it in the cuts.
  5. Lubricate the cushion carcass sour cream connected to salt. Put the fish on the onion pillow, put the twigs of fresh dill in the abdomen.
  6. Take the edge of the foil and send the fish in the oven.
  7. The cooking time is 40 minutes at a temperature of 200 ° C.

The finished tolstolob is shifting on the dish and decorate fresh greens.

General recommendations

  • Fish meat is quite fat, so the thick-carp is better baked than fry. For the same reason, the use of mayonnaise is better to refuse, preferred to tomatoes, soy sauce, low-fat sour cream.
  • Remove excess fat helps and baking fish with a garnish. A good supplement is a thick potato.
  • Good combined with this type of fish are also tomatoes, carrots and onions.
  • Do not forget about Lemon - the fragrant citrus will not only eliminate the specific fish smell, but also give me a gentle and spicy taste.
  • But with spices it is not necessary to get involved. A basic set will be quite sufficient (pepper, laurel, salt and dill) or fish seasonings.
  • The use of foil in the process of baking allows you to keep the fish juice, with the result that meat is especially gentle.

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