How to paint eggs in the onion husk

How to paint eggs in the onion husk

The bright holiday of Easter and the whole week after it is impossible without eggs painted in different colors.
From a long time, our ancestors came up with different ways to paint them. The most common, perhaps, is in the onion husk.
Since the bow exists different types, then his husk has differences in color. Use this feature to give eggs with shades and even drawings.
  • low husk;
  • eggs;
  • salt;
  • vegetable oil;
  • gauze;
  • rice;
  • rubber bands, threads;
  • lace trimming;
  • any greens, flower petals that will find in the house.

Classic method of staining eggs onion husks

Fold the husks of the onion in the pan and fill with cold water so that there remains free space in it by a third.
Heat on average fire 40-50 minutes so that the water acquires a dark rich shade. You can use ready-made boiling water, then time on cooking to reduce to a quarter of an hour.
Eggs at least per hour remove from the refrigerator, so that during cooking they did not fall and not painted. Lower them in a hot layer solution and salt it. There is enough one tablespoon of salt on 3 liters of boiling water.
Boil the eggs on a slow fire for 10-15 minutes and periodically turn them around so that their color is as uniform as possible.
Remove the finished eggs into the vessel and fill with cold water. After cooling, we will wash them with a dry towel and squeeze the vegetable oil. So they will get a beautiful shine.

Variations with drawings for staining eggs in the onion husk

To diversify your favorite Easter treat, paint eggs with the help of girlfriend in the same Low husk.
  • Moching the egg and having embraced in a dry rice, carefully wrap it into the gauze and boil until readiness.
  • Cut the paper of different shapes and stick to dry egg, pre-silent it in water. Where paper sticks into one layer, the color will turn out to be darker, where two or more - lighter.
  • Place the leaves of parsley, cilantro, onions-row around the egg and wrap in gauze. Boil until readiness in the onion husk. Instead of greens, lace tissue trimmed. So the drawing on the eggs will turn out even more interesting.
  • Similarly, wrap the raw eggs with elastic bands either with coil threads and go to boil into a hot oil solution. After cooling eggs, turn them and either leave as it happened.

Merry stripes on Easter eggs painted by onion husks

Simple, but time-consuming method of staining eggs. For him, they should be placed vertically, that is, "on the pope".
  • Place eggs in a saucepan.
  • Add the finished onion brave to a third of the tank.
  • Heat with eggs for 5-7 minutes.
  • Follow the ragland onion husk for another third.
  • Repeat cook for 3-4 minutes.
  • Pour the dark fluid so that it completely covered eggs.
  • Hold on fire up to 2 minutes and remove the eggs.
  • After cooling, they will pay you vertical strips of different shades.

Art sizes on eggs painted in the onion husk

If God has awarded you with the talent of the artist, take a brush, a needle, melted paraffin in the hands and draw on the colored eggs in the stained husk.
The last method involves a long-lasting foundation of eggs in a staining brave, and then removal of paraffin circuits with a napkin.
Attract children to the creative process of trap preparation for Easter. For them, this is a cheerful game and warm memories of childhood. So you instill them taste to use the gifts of nature with the benefit of everyday life.
Joyful and happy Easter!

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