How to cook Pickscoat

How to cook Pickscoat

Pepping is vodka in the form of tincture on burning pepper and various spices added to enrich her taste. When used in reasonable limits, it possesses therapeutic properties. With a cold cough, it can serve for rubbing the body and adopting insoluct. This useful drink is prepared in this way.

We produce source material. Its main components: distilled water -1l, alcohol 65% - 800ml, Floral honey - 6 tbsp. spoons. Plus Spices: Pepper Red burning small - 2pcs, carnations - 5 buds, 2 black pepper peas, pippar hammer - 1st. A spoon and grain coriander - 2st. spoons. You will also need a couple of two-liter cans, cutting board, knife, gas stove and kettle.
Banks need to rinse to perfect purity, and then quote them with boiling water from the kettle. We also do the knife and cutting board.

The burning peppers we wash with running water, then scrape, and one of them cut along in half, removing the seeds and tail. Both peppers, cut and integer, put into one bank. This is done for the gradual increase in the fortress of alcohol for the coming week.

Then in the enameled pan you need to boil distilled water for about two minutes.

4 pepper mask

Six tablespoons of honey are added to the same container in which it is thoroughly mixed up to its complete dissolution. Honey in Perchovka, except for its natural use, softens alcohol and removes its bitterness.

By cooled, this tasty mixture is safely overflowed into a jar with red pepper. At the next stage, alcohol is poured here with a thin flowing and all the above spices are added.
After the fill and laying all the ingredients of the future perturbation, the pepper is tightly closed with a plastic cover through a two-layer gauze gasket. Now during the week tincture you need to relax in a dark place and gain strength.

After exposure, the product needs to be filtered. For this purpose, water can be used, the second bank, bandage and white flannel fabric. The bandage in the tube is placed in a narrow part of the watering can, and the fabric is in its wide part.
Filtration will occur slowly. Therefore, in order to avoid the vanity of valuable vapors, the watering can be covered with a lid from above.

At the last stage of the preparation of the drink, burning peppers returns again to the jar with pure pen. That, in turn, covered with a lid through a gauze laying and forgets about us for a couple of weeks, and better, - for a month.
During this time, the color of vodka will become more saturated, and the taste is sharper and refined.

After the deadline you have chosen, the finished product can be poured over a glass bottle. Corks for them are better to use wooden. The taste of pepper in this case will be preserved better. Consume it is better from a cold dove under roast potatoes with herring and sour tomorrow. Pleasant appetite!




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