Ultrasonic toothbrush

Ultrasonic toothbrush

The care of the oral cavity is the most important stage of personal human hygiene. This simple lesson needs to be given time every day. The decisive role plays not only the choice of toothpaste, but also brushes. Electrical is different from the usual convenient use, especially for restless children who are tapey to wake a brush for a long time. As they say, not all brushes are equally useful. The ultrasound toothbrush is coping with the most effectively with its task.

This is an electrical device that, with a piezocaristale, creates an ultrasonic wave of a frequency of 1.6 MHz. In other words, the bristles make more than one hundred million movement per minute. There is not only the usual mechanical cleaning. As a result, the relationship between the microbial raid and teeth is destroyed. Sound oscillations penetrate into the gaps between the teeth to a depth of 4 mm, periodontal pockets, a sedent furrot.

The ultrasonic brush productively struggles with a pigment flare, gingivitis (not during the period of exacerbation), minor dental sediments, contributes to strengthening enamel and improves blood circulation in the gums.

High-frequency sound within 1.0-3.0 MHz is widely used in medicine and is absolutely safe. The device is designed so that even with long-term use of the fabric heats up a maximum of 1 degrees Celsius. Such a temperature regime helps the release of calcium and fluorine from the toothpaste.

Unfortunately, not everyone can use an ultrasonic toothbrush. There are a number of restrictions:

  • Periodontitis.
  • Presence in the mouth of implants, crowns, seals, pins or veneers. Due to the inhomogeneity of the material, it is destruction under the influence of high-frequency oscillations. Gradually, this leads to the fallout of the seal and displacement of the crowns.
  • The period of acute inflammation of the gums when there is bleeding, swelling, purulent selection. It can be gingivitis, periodontitis in the started state.
  • The first trimester of pregnancy so as not to provoke a miscarriage.
  • Ultrasound is harmful to people with a pacemaker.
  • The presence of any tumors and diseases in the mouth.
  • Sensitivity of teeth.

Deciding on the choice of an ultrasonic toothbrush, you will have to rightly assess the condition of your teeth. It can only clean healthy, not sealing teeth. Otherwise, risks only worsen their condition.

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