Why does man sweat a lot?

Why does man sweat a lot?

Potion is the mechanism of natural thermoregulation of the body, which allows to maintain the natural body temperature and output toxic substances. Excessive sweating delivers a lot of problems to a lot and even poison life. Such a problem must be solved by pre-identifying the reason.


Unrest, fright, alarming expectation, fear of communication - all this can cause increased sweating of palms, armpits, faces, feet, heads and backs. In addition, the sweating of the palms is manifested before the thought of the handshake. This is explained by the easiest excitability of the nervous system. The phenomenon occurs in people with the presence of pathology, which strengthens the Pot branch and in absolutely healthy.

In such situations, you need to seek help from a psychotherapist and a neurologist. The doctor will find out the factors provoking the phenomenon, and prescribe treatment in the form of sessions of psychotherapy. You can also apply special lotions, liquid talc.

Excessive weight

The process of sweating is brighter pronounced in full of people. The large mass of the body produces more heat that cannot leave the thick layer of fat. This leads to the fact that for cooling the body sweats.

Of course, in this case you need to lose weight. It is also important to comply with a diet, that is, it is often to eat in small portions. Do not eat fat and fried food, sweet and flour. To begin with, you can reduce their use. But besides this, often take souls, use the means against sweat. Deodorants are made on the basis of plant extracts and synthetic, which absorb excess moisture.

Climax and adolescence

The hormonal background with these phenomena changes. As a result, the brain sends an error signal for the environment, while the body expands vessels for warming.
In such a period, women are recommended special preparations to reduce symptoms. If a teenager sweats, then you need to wait until the period passes. In this case, follow the rules of personal hygiene.

Thyroid problems

The human body temperature increases due to changes in the thyroid gland and an increased level of thyroid hormones that it produces. In turn, enhance the metabolic processes and the amount of heat released. Signs of thyrotoxicosis are strong sweating and heat in any weather. Following this, insomnia appear, irritability, weakness.

Doctor -Endocrinologist will help to cope with the problem and prescribe a course of treatment.

Reception of antibacterial drugs

Antibiotics are not natural substances for the body, for this reason the sweating system should output accumulated slags. Excessive sweating is particularly intensified at night.

With the help of natural grasses, the organism is cleaned from slags that have accumulated in the body.
For recovery, kefir and drugs will help to normalize the intestine microflora, which includes living cultures of bacteria and multivitamins.


The first trimester organism adapts to changes in a hormonal background, which leads to sweating. The following trimesters is observed increasing the volume of circulating blood, which also leads to a strong sweating.

In such situations, it is not necessary to be treated, it suffices to follow the rules of hygiene. You can use the following recipe: on the floor of the liter of water take a tablespoon of salt and 9% vinegar. Stir ingredients and store in a cold place.

Exercise stress

The physical activity as a result of sports in sports leads to an increased sweating. Active activity accelerates the metabolism, the body temperature increases and a large amount of energy is distinguished - these processes cause sweating to prevent the organism from overheating. The work of the heart is enhanced with loads, which increases the amount of blood passing through the kidneys. Insufficient sweating negatively affects the work of the organs.

Also, high sweating is observed at a low-tech image and sharp sports. In this case, there is a restructuring of metabolism, as a result of which a person consumes a large amount of fluid, and then it comes out of the body.

What to do with excessive sweating?

You can normalize pressure using:

  • Cosmetics, Botox Ukolov in armpits, ionophoresis, radiation therapy.
  • Folk agents. These are bathtubs from herbs, essential oils.
  • Antiperspirants and deodorants, ointments and creams with aluminum salts, zinc. They are temporary. They need to rinse every day, because the clamping of the sweat glands and the accumulation of toxins occurs.
  • Medicines. Using drugs, potentiality can be reduced. This is Malavit, aluminum chloride hexahydrate, glycopyrrolate, Bellaspon, ClimanDion, Pasta Teymurova. They are considered potent, so only a doctor can assign them.

Permanent excessive sweating need not to hide, but to treat. The cause of the phenomenon may be the development of a serious disease. Previously, doctors did not know the way to treat patients with high sweating. Today there are many different ways to combat her.

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Nika 06/16/2018 at 13:21

With high sweating, collided for the first time just during the climax. And you know, no antiperspers and everyone did not help in this, until it began to get rid of it from it from both the symptom of menopause. For the purpose of the doctor took the cycle, the infusions of the uterus and the blade of Kalina - this therapy was actually helped, in addition to the hardness, the wonderfulness disappeared, which is very pleased)

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Tatiana 05/09/2018 at 11:39.

I would never have thought that more than seven kilograms could increase sweating, so that deodorants do not cope. Thus, another stimulus appeared to reduce weight, but while I use the formagel once a week to get rid of wet armpits.

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Hope 02/23/2019 at 18:43.

I also have very strong sweating. Get rid of it with the help of an eco-friendly deodorant Dry Dry DEO. He and from sweat protects well and contains useful additives. In general, this is my most favorite means.

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Inna 10/10/2019 at 13:20

The men are prone to sweating, most often, and there is no woman .. that I was very surprised when I ran into such a space. It turned out that this climax is so manifest. Therefore, on the advice of the doctor began to accept the Ice formula of menopause and tincture on the Borovy Make ... TFU PFT, there was no trail from sweating, and the stoves stopped overcalling, which is also very pleased)

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