Why does a person snoring?

Why does a person snoring?

Snoring (or obstructive sleep apnea syndrome) manifests itself in the form of noisy breathing during sleep. Specific processes occurring in the respiratory organs form a loud sound most often on exhalation, sometimes this phenomenon is noted on the inhalation of sleep. What is happening? What are the causes of snoring?

Causes of snoring

Such a phenomenon as snoring arises as a result of a violation of the work (weakening) of the muscles of a soft sky and its tongue. The snoring may occur in a person of any age, even in children, although predominantly this defeat affects the adult audience.

  • The most common cause of snoring is the narrowing of the breathtaking of the respiratory tract.

Provocate a decrease in the lumen in respiratory organs can be both physiological causes (anatomically narrow nasal moves or a throat, an elongated soft pane) and pathological processes flowing into them. The latter include:

  1. The edema of the nasal moves due to rhinitis, ORVI, the curvature of the nasal partition.
  2. An increase in the sizes of the sky and / or pharynnel almonds, swelling edema (most often due to the course in the larynx of infectious inflammatory processes - angina, tonsillitis).
  3. Inflammation and increase in adenoids (most often this factor provokes snoring in children).
  4. The formation of polyps - benign formations inside the nose.
  5. Incorrect bite, in which the lower jaw is inferior in sizes of the top and as far as possible in the neck.
  6. Overweight. Obesity 2 or 3 degrees necessarily leads to a narrowing of the breathing tube.
  7. Smoking and taking alcohol reduce the muscular tone of the pharynx.
  8. Violation of the tone and contractual activity of the muscles can provoke and deviations in the hormonal background of man, as well as endocrine disorders (as a result of the thyroid dysfunction, menopause).
  9. Reception of drugs depressing the function of the CNS (including sleeping pills).
  10. Increased relaxation of soft sky muscles can cause lack of sleep, chronic fatigue.

To set the exact cause of the formation of the pathological process, not only the analysis of the clinical picture of the appearance of alert is important, but the frequency of the occurrence of this state. If we are not talking about episodic snoring phenomena, the reason is likely to lifestyle (the presence of bad habits) or infectious inflammatory diseases. If the snoring is regular and does not depend on the overall state of the person or its activity mode, a deeper examination should be underway, because The causes of soft sky dysfunction may be serious functional disorders.

Does snoring for man dangerous

The choice of therapy during snoring directly depends on the reasons that provoke it. Specific advice in this direction is competent to give exclusively the doctor otolaryngologist (ENT). Many people are not worried too much because of the night snoring and do not give him much importance. Is it really harmless this phenomenon really?

  • Problems with breathing, which occur as a result of snoring, provoke a lack of oxygen in the blood. As a result, the risk of cardiovascular disease is increasing.
  • The intensive snoring does not allow a person to sleep normally and relax to fully. As a result, the state of chronic fatigue is developing.
  • Permanent overwork, especially accompanied by dissatisfaction with close people because of your snoring, can lead to the formation of depression.
  • Metabolic and endocrine disorders that provoke snoring are the right steps to excess weight, obesity.
  • Violation of the normal operation of the respiratory organs can launch pathological processes in bronchops and lungs.
  • Breathing problems during sleep reduce the duration of the slow sleep phase. But it is during this period that testosterone's main production takes place. As a result, a decrease in the sexual function in men, the risk of developing erectile dysfunction.

As you can see, snoring is not such a harmless state. If the respiratory disorder during sleep is regular and prolonged, do not postpone the visit to the doctor.

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