How many people can live without sleep

How many people can live without sleep

We all know from childhood that sleep, like food - the natural need of the body. We need to sleep a certain number of hours and preferably at a certain time. However, what will happen if a person just stops sleeping at all? Some people decided to such an experiment by sacrificing their health. If you came to mind such an idea, then throw it out as soon as possible, because in the process of your wakefulness and lack of sleep in the body will begin irreversible destruction, they will entail restructuring in the psyche and hormonal background. Better thanks to the article, where some interesting facts about a dream of a person will get along.

How many people in history lived without sleep

As you know, all world records are registered in the Guinness Book of Records. Specialists of this organization are watching the experiment throughout the course of events and do not allow slipping. In this collection of recordsmen, there is a brave one who won a dream.

Briton named Tony Wright did not sleep exactly eleven days and nights under the supervision of specialists and physicians. He argued that he found a kind of technique, which allowed him to wait for so long within the limits of just one room. After the end of the experiment, the man was examined and made sure that his life was not threatened.

Prior to this incident, the record was established in 1963 by seventeen year old schoolboy. He did not sleep too eleven days, but several hours less than the current record holder. Observers found that the schoolboy was vigorous throughout the course of the experiment, but he had bouts of hallucinations, memory loss and other consequences, starting from the fourth day of wakefulness.

Thus, at the moment you can only speak only about 11 days without sleep.

How many people can live without sleep - the approval of doctors

Sleep is currently not so well studied as I would like. Therefore, the assertions of the physicians disagree a little in this matter.

  • Most specialists assure that a long time of wakefulness will lead to a fatal outcome. Moreover, if not to sleep for more than three days, then the consequences for the body remain irreversible, damage, above all, the nervous system.
  • Other doctors are confident that a person at a certain point will simply learn to sleep on the go. He will go with open eyes, but actually be in a dream, sit or even sew, but at the same time sleep too.

No matter how experts were not separated about the outcome of such experiments, the main fact is obvious: you do not apply the damage to your health, refusing a healthy sleep.

How many people can live without sleep - the lack of sleep is so harmful

During sleep, all systems of our body seem to be restarted, you wake up cheerful and rested, your memory is normalized and retains some passages of the past day that you have considered the most important.

If this process was not, then you, first of all, could not lose fatigue. Despite the fact that the body in a dream is resting, the brain remains in continuous operation and loads even a little more than the day. It is necessary that you learned all the information over the past day. As can be seen, it would be difficult to live without this process.

Even if scientists have set a record of wakefulness at eleven days, it is not necessary to repeat it in any way. Leave records of this kind for desperate brands, and try to sleep at the same time every day, having calculated the most favorable amount of sleep from seven to ten o'clock.

Comments leave a comment
Stella 15/07/2020 at 0:25

Yes, the question of sleep is now more relevant. Some even if desired, cannot sleep normally, although the logic of things after a hard day the body needs rest. I have it with a shot down working mode and strong experiences. I fix the situation by Evalarov Lavanda, take a monthly course and tea with mint and melissa before the departure to bed.

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