Surely everyone came across the situation when it was very hard to wake up in the morning. In some people, the rise turns into real flour - it seems that it is simply impossible to pull out of bed. This problem can be solved by following certain rules.
Once you will hear the alarm clock, stretch the whole body well. Then massage the pads of the fingers of the hands - there are many nervous endings, so the awakening will happen faster. Teach yourself to get up immediately after the massage of the fingers. Experts argue that even 5-minute "felting" in bed after awakening greatly reduces the quality of the new day. As a result, a person feels a broken and all day can not get together. Put a cup with water and lemon juice on the bedside table. When the alarm clock is silent, drink it - you can wake up very quickly. It is worth noting that water in front of breakfast has a beneficial effect on the body. Do not put the alarm clock next to the bed - then you will have to climb and turn it off. In winter, waking up especially difficult, as the sun rises late, and stand in the dark is not very comfortable. You can purchase an alarm clock with backlit. During the call, he will glow brightly. A good alternative is a mobile phone that has a property glow during a call. Take a sheet of paper A4 format and fold it in half. Put the phone on the table and cover it with a "house" from the sheet. Due to white paper, in the morning the glow will be very bright. To get up for sure, make yourself a few alarms with a small time difference and arrange them at different places.No matter how simple it sounded, but the key to quick awakening is strong and healthy sleep. Carry the room before bedtime, do not eat at night and go to bed at the same time. Only in this case, the above-mentioned tips will help you.
It would be more added to the advice, oddly enough, watch movies to wake up. Of course, if you have a job after 20 minutes, it will not help, but to raise yourself the mood and "dispel the brains" in the morning once! I recommend it to everyone, the method is excellent