How to change gaskets

How to change gaskets

An integral part of the ripening of the female body is the appearance of menstruation. At first, many girls have a bad idea of \u200b\u200bthe use and change of gaskets. Our recommendations will help clarify the situation.

In order to correctly use and change the gaskets, you first need to choose a suitable model and understand the frequency of its change. Only after that can be moved directly to the shift process. Each of these points is very important and contains many nuances, so in order to avoid confusion, we decided to consider them separately.

Artem Furmanintymic hygiene

The choice of gaskets. There are many brands on the market, but a choice of good gaskets can take a lot of time. It is recommended to give preference to more expensive options, since they are endowed with high -quality and hypoallergenic upper layer. Depending on the period, menstruation can be scarce and abundant. Please note that each package indicates the number of drops. The maximum amount indicates good absorption. If you have to move a lot, select gaskets with the presence of “wings”, since they are very convenient. It is worth noting that recently subtle options with excellent absorbent ability have appeared. They are the most comfortable and completely invisible under clothes.

The frequency of the change of gaskets. Experts recommend changing the gasket in the first two days of menstruation every three to four hours. It is preferable to use options with increased absorption, since during this period the discharge will be the most plentiful. Starting from the third (or fourth) day, you can switch to a model with fewer drops and change them every four to six hours. Many girls do not change the gasket until it fills up and get dirty. The fact is that microbes penetrate into the female genital organs much easier than male. Therefore, it is very important not to create an environment for their reproduction. Surely you yourself will feel more comfortable with fresh gaskets.

Change of gaskets. Remove the old gasket and wrap it in the package. If the packaging is absent, prepare some wrapper in advance. Wash your hands well and wash. If there is no possibility to wash, just wash your hands, but take a shower as soon as the opportunity is presented. Remove the new gasket and turn off the sticker. You will see that the lower side will become sticky. Glue it on the inside of the panties. Try to firmly place the gasket in the center so that it does not slide. If your gaskets are endowed with wings, open the stickers again, then wrap the wings in the inside of the panties. Throw out the used gaskets only into the garbage bucket or container.

Recommendations of specialists. It is preferable to change the gasket after defecation to prevent the vagina of fecal microflora in the vagina. Otherwise, various diseases may occur, the most common of which is cystitis. During sleep, the laying should not be changed. The exception is only those cases in which you woke up and discovered its crowded. It is recommended to change the gasket after active pastime, since during this period bacteria multiply much faster.

Additions. A few days before the appearance of menstruation, make sure that you have the required amount of hygienic gaskets. Be sure to put several of them in your bag so that menstruation does not take you by surprise. It should also contain disinfectant napkins. This will give you the opportunity to wipe your hands before replacing. Do not forget to put an analgesic if the menstruation passes painfully.

From the above, we can conclude that the timely and correct change of gaskets can prevent the occurrence of many diseases. Some girls neglect this rule, and then they wonder where various infections come from. Careful hygiene will provide comfort, health and good health.

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