How long do not be drunk

How long do not be drunk

Strong drinks began to appear on the tables of people a few thousand years ago. Over time, the masters had invented all the new types of their varieties. In stores you can buy both cheap spirits and elite alcohol with translated prices. Almost every festive table is a bottle of wine, champagne or vodka, which is a kind of tradition. Some people know how to drink and are able to behave adequately until the end of the feast. But many are unable to adhere to the optimal dosage and get drunk after the third glass, and by the end of the evening they spoil the holiday with their behavior. For such people, there are simple instructions for slowing the process of intoxication.

Why we are drunk

Alcohol is quickly absorbed by the mucous membrane of the stomach and the small intestine. After that, it enters the bloodstream and changes the electric charge of erythrocytes. Normally, their charge is the same, which prevents their sticking. But with the change of the charge of some erythrocytes to the opposite, their sticking occurs. As a result, microtromes are formed, which overlap the small vessels of the brain. The hypoxia of the cerebral cells arose leads to the feeling and symptoms of alcoholic intoxication.

What affects the speed of intoxication

Most of all the speed of intoxication affects the weight. Fat cells have the ability to accumulate alcohol substances. That is why there is a large amount of alcohol for obese people to achieve the state of intoxication. Still affects the experience of alcohol admission. In longer drinking people, enzyme production and compensatory mechanisms increase, which dulls the effect of the alcohol reception.

Envelop the mucous membrane to not be drunk

As already mentioned, alcohol is quickly absorbed by the sludge of the stomach and the small intestine. Part of it begins to be absorbed in the oral cavity. To slow down this process, take enveloping substances. It is best for olive or linen oil, but the usual sunflower will fit. Oils are covered with a thin layer mucous membrane and prevent ethylene absorption.

Proper snack to do not get drunk for a long time

The snack plays a big role in the speed of intoxication. If you drink on an empty stomach, all alcohol is quickly and freely absorbed. When food is in the stomach, part of the alcohol is absorbed and stand out gradually as digestion. But this method has negative consequences. Food stimulates the secretion of pancreatic juice, and alcohol causes a spasm of the sphincter Oddi, which prevents its allocation into the lumen of the twelfth intestine. As a result, the pancreas suffers.

Preliminary admission of alcohol to do not be drunk

Before you get into the bloodstream, ethylene alcohol passes through the liver. There it turns into acetaldehyde with alcoholicdehydrogenase. This enzyme neutralizes alcohol and slows intoxication. If you have a drink a little alcohol in two hours to a feast, it stimulates the production of this enzyme. It is worthwhile that the ethylene neutralization uses vitamin B2. It is very important for the nervous system. That is why alcoholics have disorders from the nervous system. With frequent alcohol use, it is necessary to periodically take this vitamin.

Preliminary sleep so long not to drunk

Any adequate feasts occur closer in the late afternoon. At this time, the brain cells are already slightly exhausted over the whole day of work. And the additional impact on them causes hypoxia caused by the action of ethylene alcohol. Before celebrating, it is best to sleep a few hours. This will resume the work of the brain and its resources, which will help in confrontation with alcohol.
Good night
But it is best not to drink alcohol at all or know the measure. Then any holiday will not be spoiled, and your body will be grateful to you.

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