Why does a child creaks teeth in a dream?

Why does a child creaks teeth in a dream?

Almost every child makes sounds at night with teeth. These uncontrolled chewing movements are observed in the teething of indigenous teeth. Sripping can last a few minutes or be one. Such a phenomenon has a medical name Bruxism. It can be caused by various reasons.


Children under the age of 2 years old are especially sharply tolerated, because the process causes the strongest itching. The child becomes a capricious, squeezes the jaws, grinds toys hard. It is possible to exclude bruxism if you pay a long time, sorry for a child, because the teething of the teeth for a small person is a difficult period.

Adaptations from rubber come to the rescue - teethers to help scratch gums. Special painkillers are still well helped, which remove swelling and inflammation. With their help, the teeth are faster rubber. After the milk teeth appeared, the crushes of the teeth stops. Also, such a phenomenon can be observed when changing teeth.


With mental overvoltage, the crop appears both at night and during the day. But in the latter case, this process can be monitored, and at night, the muscle contraction cannot be kept, because it is involuntary. The problem arises as a result:

  • Strong workload in studies, in-depth study of foreign languages, musical sciences and other school items. All this leads to a shortage of time on vacation, entertainment and sports activities. To do this, you need to dilute mental classes in physical. Due to this, the nervous system will relax, the blood supply is activated, and the muscle tone decreases.
  • Frequent quarrels and scandals, the absence of mutual understanding between children and parents lead to stressful situations.

The concepts of stress and grinds have the relationship between themselves. According to experts, it is necessary that mutual understanding and love have reigned in the house different systems of our organism in different ways perceive the stress that occurred due to family disorders.


Tubes crossed long period may have hereditary character. Signs of bruxism among parents are a clear sign that their offspring can also manifest themselves. The predisposition to the emergence of this phenomenon remains not studied to the end. Therefore, it is not necessary to attribute this factor only to heredity.


The people believe that grinding with teeth is associated with worms. These parasites irritate the nervous system and reduce the forces of the body. Some species cause convulsions and deprive the body with vitamin B, which is responsible for the normal functioning of nervous activity. But according to modern doctors, cases of bruxism are not associated with parasites.

Other factors

Such anomalies may arise for such reasons:

  • Wrong bite, as well as maxillofacial pathologies. Define and change the changes can the orthodontist.
  • Nasal congestion, bronchitis, adenoids, sinusits. Children with diseases of the respiratory organs often creak teeth.
  • Cold.
  • Low thermoregulation of the body;
  • Wrong conditions in the child's room.

What does Dr. E. Komarovsky say?

The presence of helminths enhances bruxism, and does not cause it. Crushing his teeth is a reflex that has gotten a person from his ancestors that swallowed teeth to protect. According to E. Komarovsky, the main factor for strengthening the nervous system is a full-fledged sleep. Parents are obliged to independently determine the time to sleep and guarantee comfortable conditions for this.

The child's room must be constantly ventilated, the air must be cool and wet. Only in this case the child's breath will be free, and sleep is deep. In addition, a favorable climate in the family contributes to the normal development of the children's psyche.

Relief from violin

If the child creaks the teeth to the maximum of 10 seconds, then this state can be painted. For this, it is important to provide a child with the right day of the day, do not allow the overexcitation in the evening, limit games into gadgets. If the duration of the attack is more than the deadline, then this is a reason to contact a specialist. At first glance, it seems to parents that the creaking of the teeth is not a problem. But it can damage enamel. With a strong embossed, the teeth break and crumble, as well as:

  • there is discomfort in the jaw;
  • headache;
  • there is a change in the jaws, chewing apparatus, negatively reflected in the gastrointestinal tract.

Treatment of Bruxism

Each child is individual, so it is better to turn to the therapist, a dentist, a neurologist and psychologist.

  • When identifying parasites in a child, you need to be examined by all family members.
  • In dental problems, orthodontic pathologies should be changed using silicone tires. This will allow dental enamel not to wear.
  • In neurological disorders, you need to create a favorable atmosphere in the family, as well as eliminate irritating factors. This is a long pastime with a computer, TV, consumption of strong tea before bedtime. It is recommended to walk more with a child on the street, and before bedtime play quiet games.

If you notice the signs of bruxism from your child, then you do not need to panic. First you need to know the reason and eliminate it with the help of specialists. It is better to treat the problem in early childhood so that in the future it is not encountered with a more serious disease.


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Ella 23/10/2020 at 6:31

When I heard the first time, I did not understand where the sound was from. Then he served that this son creaks his teeth. The main reasons were increased anxiety and frequent colds (due to the laid nose, a kind of reflex appeared). They removed the problem of Evalarov teddy bear with vitamin D3, they strengthen the immunity and nervous system.

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