Why does a child sleep badly at night?

Why does a child sleep badly at night?

Children are the main thing in the life of any parent and when there are some troubles related to children, it's just a tragedy. Often, small children are very bad sleep at night, and with such a situation, parents are unlikely to get a full dream. In general, when the child is not sleeping - this problem is the whole family. Let's find out what could be the reason for such a restless sleep and what, ultimately, to do with it.

Causes of restless sleep

Healthy sleep at the kid is a sign of his prosperous development and growth, and for mom - a healthy psyche and regular rash, which means that the well-being of the whole family will seem to be a small nuance.

From how the child spent his day, it will largely depend on how it will sleep at night. It happens that even a breast child under certain circumstances, it simply "turns off" at watches 12, and even at night it does not ask to eat, and sometimes - the baby may not sleep all night, cry, ripe and constantly wake up, in general, not night, and full chaos.

We exist a lot of circumstances that cause a bad baby's sleep:

  • Parents of adult children have already passed this school and know that when young children are we begin to cut the teeth, the whole family is in some horror, no one sleeps, and moreover, even the day of the kids is capricious. In general, one of the common reasons for poor sleep in a child is the growth of the first teeth.

  • Hunger. Another reason why kids can sleep very badly at night. It is necessary to unoccuping the child (of course, not specifically), and at night there will be whims and sometimes, even hysterics, so that this is also worth watching.
  • Here I would like to say that excessive overeating Or a tight dinner immediately before bedtime also negatively affects the attitude of the kid at night. Sometimes the baby from overeating can cry more than from malnutrition.
  • Colic in stomach in the first six months of life also become a cause of many sleepless nights, and, the whole family.
  • excessively a large supply of energy It ensures a restless night. This was every parent should know. The child should sleep during the day, but not after sunset, because the surge of energy in the evening means that the night can start in the morning, when the child or result in the cumulative unspent energy.
  • As always there is another side of the coin - if a small child turned overly emotional dayAnd sometimes, no matter what it is these emotions - positive or negative, it can all night not sleep, or waking up constantly in sweat and screaming.

  • When the child gets older, he can tell you about your feel unwell and health problems (show and tell where and what was wrong with him). And if already conscious age, the child does not sleep - it is connected with emotional stress, that is, problems with the psyche. It is necessary to find the cause - resentment, bad environment, tragedy, trauma, excessive treats all close to my heart skips other people's problems by themselves, etc.

In general, the causes of restless sleep we understand children, you now need to consider options for getting rid of the problems under consideration.

Strong baby sleep - the guarantee of a healthy family

If your child is fast asleep - you are a happy man, if not, find out the reason for such behavior. Once the root of the evil is determined, it is necessary to find solutions to the problem:

  • If a child climb teeth - here you will only patience and a few medications that are allowed to be given to children aged grudnichka. It is mandatory to consult a doctor, because the purpose of any drug should be individualized.
  • Feed your baby when he wants it. No need to overfeed, or vice versa, due to the existing excess weight or frequent hunger, do not give the baby to eat. In its infancy, babies crying made it clear that they want to eat, and they need to give, when they would not have asked, but only in moderation.
  • Overfeed the baby, the more different bait, porridge (semolina, for example), at night in any case impossible, because even an adult does not feel very good if eaten before bedtime. If the child is older, you need to arrange a light dinner at least 3 hours before bedtime.
  • Colic - a problem for all young children, and at the same time, their parents. Here to help massage, motion sickness and some medications that can only assign physician.
  • The child should sleep in a measure, and it is not desirable that he did before the arrival of the night, so, even from an early age accustom the baby to a schedule that is convenient to you. If it so happened that the child, for some reason woke up after a nap in the evening, parents will have to try to kid could run out before bedtime, even walk all the accumulated energy during sleep.

  • Holidays and noisy parties is a good thing, but remember that a child from a surplus of emotions is not always good, so take care of the gradual arrival of different emotions in the life of your baby.
  • When the child gets older and still continues to sleep poorly at night. Need to talk to him about it and find out what was bothering him as in dreams and reality - that is afraid, afraid, who seems to him an enemy of the moment, only by finding the cause, you can resolve it.

Give your child more time and make sure that it is under the protection of his family and his personal should not be scary.


Comments leave a comment
Larisa 04/09/2018 at 0:03

My I can not put it after a rough day here recently went to the park on the rides. But I have it always was not quiet, we even mild sedatives prescribed pediatrician. Now I give the baby formula bears calm, usually in the online store fitomarket.ru ordering. Tea with mint drink for the evening and make a bath with lavender.

To answer
Love 09.10.2018 at 22:49

We do nonsense sleep some happening. Already thinking of a neurologist to go, otherwise I will soon be taken away in a psychiatric hospital (((

To answer
Anna 10.13.2018 at 23:33

You calm down, breathe out and sign up to a neurologist, your treatment will appoint all sleep will improve. We accept Pantokaltsin, improving already. child became calmer, it's family noted. Yes, and I glazik stopped twitching)))

To answer
Eugene D. 10.18.2020 at 21:17

And we have. Already valeriyanku drip into his tea. and all one and the same song.

To answer
Zoya 23/10/2020 at 6:29

My child does not sleep well in the two cases - or the common cold sick, or because of something nervous. I decided to kill two birds with one stone and buy evalarovskih bears with vitamin D3. They are great to strengthen the immune system and maintain a calm state. For a couple of months of use was wee sleep better and stronger.

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