What a child should be able to 4 years

What a child should be able to 4 years

A child who has attained the age of four - this is a little person, which already fully formed character. He becomes confident, demanding and ambitious. A child of 4 years actively developed - it has already produced certain skills, which we will tell you in detail in this article.

Psycho-emotional development of the child in 4 years

Scarce in this age are very curious. He is interested in everything and tries to scrutinize the object that falls into his hands. He likes to be independent, to do something with their hands. The task of parents - not to impose your child to help, if he do not need it - let your little genius show imagination and creative thinking. We will list for you the main features of the correct psycho-emotional development of the child in 4 years:

  • Baby is very good talking. That it helps him to express their feelings and emotions, so that parents and all the people around him knew that he was asking and what he wants.
  • 4 years - a transition the child's age when he changed the mood. He may feel that nobody loves, not to notice (especially for kids who have a brother or sister).
  • Scarce in this age needs special attention from parents and educators. He is very important to hear what he has done. The kid could adversely take criticism.
  • Child well-versed in the colors and shapes. Some kids at this age already know how to read by syllables and know the numbers (this figure depends largely on the age at which you start to actively engage with your child intellectual development).
  • Your child in 4 years should already know his name, the name of the parents and all his closest relative. Some already know the home address, and write your name in block letters.
  • The four-year child can perform the 3 teams that give it the parents, at the same time.

Physiological development of the child in 4 years

The four-year kid already knows everything - he is eating, playing, dressing, walking, jumping and running. Especially important for parents to pay attention to the motor activity of the child. He in this regard should have to do the following:

  • At least 10 seconds. standing on one foot.
  • He knows how to turn somersaults and jump.
  • Without the help of parents or any other adults he knows how to go up and down stairs.
  • He can walk smoothly both forward and backward.
  • The kid can have to pedal a tricycle.
  • There is a spoon, and already know how to use a fork.
  • A child of 4 years dressed himself, lace boots and keeps track of personal hygiene (brushing teeth, washes).

Social development of the child in 4 years

A child of 4 years - it is an active kid who already have friends. It can be not only his peers, but also pets. As a rule, children in this age:

  • Shares his toys with other kids with whom to spend time on the playground or in the garden.
  • He protests the requirements of parents, if it deems them unfair ..
  • He .mozhet fight for the thing, which he owns.
  • He is well aware that the need to protect younger and older listen to and respect.

If your child is aggressive, vicious, he can not hold you without a minute, this is cause for concern. You need to immediately turn to a psychologist for help. The doctor will help the crumbs to adapt to society, to get along with peers, talk and perform basic tasks with which he should be able to handle at my age. Let your pipsqueak growing happy and healthy!


Comments leave a comment
Anna 04.16.2019 at 22:10

Well over count the syllables in 4, it's very early. Do not take the child's childhood. We are in this age began to actively study the letters, but did not read. And no he could not remember, like the memory train. I began to give him a multi vitamishki + vitamins good for the development of memory and concentration. Here them well remembered

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Olya 04/05/2019 at 6:45 am


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