How to prepare a child to kindergarten?

How to prepare a child to kindergarten?

The decision to send a child to kindergarten not to all parents is easy. Together with the period of growing kids and new experiences come. Is the baby ready to kindergarten? What kind of kindergarten choose? How will the child get used to the new atmosphere?

How to understand that the child is ready for kindergarten?

Recommend when it is better to give a child to kindergarten, it is very difficult. Some children show independence and desire to communicate with peers before, others - much later. If this is not normal, it is better to wait up to 1.5-2 years.

  • The kid in kindergarten should be able to eat on their own, wash, wipe hands and face, dress, use the pot. In the absence of such skills, the child will experience insecurity, anxiety and fear of being the last.
  • Development of independence should be given enough time. Do not rush to do for the baby what he is able to do himself. Give him time to try out every new skill and help only if necessary. Try not to load the child with too much tasks not to form a feeling of helplessness.

Praise the baby every time he achieves success.

Choosing a suitable kindergarten

This is one of the most important decisions to be taken by parents. Children aged 2-3 years old can not always tell the parents in detail about how their day passes.

  • It is necessary to know in advance what a kind of kindergarten works for which development program. Perhaps, in addition to general classes, there are additional sports or musical circles, hardening programs, nutrition, etc.
  • Be sure to pay attention to feedback from other parents, both about kindergartens in general and about the pedagogical composition. Not always a private, expensive kindergarten is the best. Next is still not repairs and equipment, but the experience of educators, contact with children and parents, atmosphere in the children's team.

Psychological adaptation of the child

After selecting a suitable preschool institution, it should be given enough time to proper preparing the child.

  • Try to expand the circle of communication of the baby, especially if it spent most of the time with my mother. More often, visit the playgrounds, attend children's development centers, where the child will have the possibility of contact with children.
  • Talk with your baby - Tell us why the kids go to kindergarten than you can do. Tell me how you are proud that it is already quite big.
  • Pay attention to the child to the fact that you will take it in the morning, and in the evening take. Explain that in the kindergarten all children are without parents, play together, eat, walk under the supervision of the teacher.
  • Tell the baby in detail what exactly he will do in the kindergarten. The more complete idea gets in a child about the routine of the day, the more confident he will feel.
  • If you live near the chosen kindergarten, show the baby, how fun play kids on the site, remind you that he will soon go here.
  • Discuss possible difficulties. For example, if the baby wants to drink or go to the toilet, then it must come up with an educator or nanny and say about it. Explain to the child that in the group, except for him, many children and sometimes have to show patience and wait for their turn.
  • Be sure to talk with the child on communicating with children, teach him to meet, share toys, help each other.
  • Tell us about your childhood, how did you go to the kindergarten, how many friends have you, what exactly you remember classes, games, holidays.

Psychological attitude of parents

Emotional mood Mom is very important for the peace of mind. If the baby sees that Mom is experiencing and doubts the need for kindergarten, his personal alarm will only increase.

  • Relax and give the baby time to get used. This period is usually up to 6 months.
  • Take a rule every evening in a relaxed atmosphere to discuss with the child what happened in the day - all the positive and negative moments that I excited it, pleased or upset.
  • Get acquainted with the parents of children from the group of your child. If there are situations that you are disturbed, discuss it, find out the opinion of other moms.
  • Encourage your child's friendship, ask about new friends, spend a joint children's holiday or organize a trip.
  • Refrain from critical comments to kindergarten or teachers in the presence of children.
  • Do not rush to go to work shortly after the baby goes to kindergarten. Give yourself and child enough time to get used to new conditions and avoid stress.


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Victoria 09/26/2018 at 12:31

From stress you need to protect and raise immunity. These collective snot are not allowed to fully go to the garden. We often hurt in the younger group, after three began to give umbilies immuno +, the maximum of fruits and vegetables seasonal, now much less.

To answer
galya 08/08/2019 at 17:35

It depends on that this is implied, here we had a very hot-tempered and active, and this could prevent a normal visit to the garden, so we decided to correct this behavior, sent to the Sports and Steel Section on the Council to give Baby Mischi formula (ordered in the Internet The store is a phytomarket, there is cheaper), with the result that our child has changed for the better, has become more calm and in the garden he has many friends)

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