Why can't you sleep on your back to pregnant women?

Why can't you sleep on your back to pregnant women?

There is no heavier test for any woman, how to be pregnant. The whole body is in stress. Because it undergoes a variety of metamorphoses, not to mention the psychological state and external changes in a woman. Let's talk about what excites so many women in a position today - why you can’t sleep on their backs during pregnancy and what to do in this case.

The habit that you will have to refuse

Pregnant, first of all, should understand that in this case, abandoning his typical life habits. She cares not only about her tired spine, but also about the health of her baby. Now, not very familiar pose for sleeping should become compulsory, because it will be better for both mom and baby, there can be no sleep on the back and conversation, especially in the later stages of pregnancy.

It will not be a discovery for anyone that a strong and healthy sleep is an important component of a full -fledged and joyful life of any person, and even more so, a pregnant woman. It is during sleep that future mothers can completely take a break from all experiences for themselves, baby and their future, because only by this pregnant women are usually engaged in the day. Among other things, night is a time for pregnant women, when they have a good mood, and it does not jump back and forth several times per hour.

Sleep on the stomach - you can't

Doctors say that the first trimester, pregnant without any deviations and pathologies in health, can sleep in any position convenient for it, regardless of what it will be. Over time, the fruit is growing and the belly of the mother, so that in this period it is time to think about the future mother about gradually abandoning some of her habits. Let's figure out why in the second, and even more so, in the third trimester, doctors forbid the pregnant women to sleep on their backs, like all normal people.

During the period of bearing the fetus, the uterus becomes much larger than it was before, it is logical that the uterus grows, the pressure on the main vein in our body is growing, which means that the blood outflow is disturbed. This is often the cause of sudden dizziness and low pressure in pregnant women, despite the fact that they do not make any unnecessary movements.

Among other things, in the legs of expectant mothers, the pressure increases greatly, the same process occurs in hemorrhoidal veins. All this can lead to the fact that the baby will not have enough such an important product of his life inside the mother, like oxygen, and therefore the lack of nutrients is not far off.

In general, there is a ridge of processes and events that are interconnected, and to everything else, during the rest and sleep of pregnant women on their backs, the very pressure becomes even higher, and this is really too much, it can be called already excessively high. The consequences of such increased pressure can be:

  • constant desire to go to the toilet
  • stagnation of urine, which often leads to inflammation of the kidneys or even bladder
  • the development of varicose veins
  • the spread of the vascular mesh
  • chronic lack of sleep

And this list can be continued for a long time, because one process provokes the appearance of another, which ultimately leads to negative consequences in the form of impaired fetal development and worsen the health of the mother.

If you want to protect yourself and the child from unnecessary unnecessary problems, try to sleep in some other position, and not on your back. It is also worth noting that the pregnant women themselves refuse this pose due to its inconvenience with the grown stomach and pain in the spine during sleep in a standard pose.

In order to avoid health troubles, you can probably sacrifice your favorite pose for sleeping for several months.

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