Can pregnant women fly by plane

Can pregnant women fly by plane

Pregnancy is the time when a woman is especially careful about her health, protecting herself from unwanted risks. But a good vacation can positively affect the condition and mood of the pregnant woman. That's just what to do with the air recovery? Future mothers are also worried about such a need for good reason.

Optimal time for flights

If the woman’s well -being is beautiful and there is no prohibition from the attending physician, then you can fly almost to the birth. But there is the most favorable period when the risks to harm the child and mother are minimal. This “gold” time is in the second trimester, namely from 14 to 28 weeks. This period was so pleasing to the fact that toxicosis and the threat of miscarriage were already in the first trimester, and the risk of premature birth is still ahead.

All these indicators are individual and emergency situations can occur in such a period, but the probability of their occurrence is much lower.

Only a gynecologist can eliminate doubts and give the air for the air, who, after inspection and possible analyzes, will issue its verdict.

In order to prevent a problem during a plane landing, you should take a certificate from the attending physician in advance about the absence of complications and the ability to transfer the flight. It also indicates pregnancy.

In what cases can not fly?

In addition to the ban due to poor health, it is forbidden to fly by plane if:

  1. The gestational age exceeds 36 weeks. In this case, there is a high probability of childbirth on board the liner.
  2. A variety of pathologies and the threat of miscarriage. This is confirmed by the doctor on the basis of ultrasound and test results
  3. Anemia is observed in a woman.

Incorrect arrangement of the fetus and multiple pregnancy can also be a contraindication to flight.

What should pregnant women on board the aircraft be afraid of?

Before planning travel by air, you should familiarize yourself with dangerous and undesirable situations that are inherent in a long flight. These include possible pressure drops. Pregnant women are characterized by a sharp change in blood pressure, and under the influence of external factors it can be uncontrolled. If during pregnancy a woman had problems with this, then it is better to refuse the flight.

Another danger is oxygen starvation, which can overtake the pregnant woman on board. In the event that the pregnancy proceeds normally, then a small decrease in the oxygen indicator in the cabin will not affect the fetus and the mother's body. If there is anemia and other deviations, then well -being can worsen significantly.

During such a trip, you have to sit in the same position for a long time, and this will not benefit the body of a pregnant woman. Especially this inconvenience can affect the condition of the legs. The formation of venous thrombosis is a real threat. To exclude this probability, you need to walk around the cabin more often, do not forget about compression stockings and drink water more often.

Rules for a comfortable flight

If you resort to simple tricks, then the air will pass quickly and will not harm a pregnant passenger. These include:

  1. It is better to choose places in a business class, but if this is not possible, it is better to sit in the front row. Thanks to this, you can breathe more fresh air and conveniently place your legs. You also need to abandon the place by the window, then the frequent visit to the toilet will not be complicated by barriers in the form of passengers.
  2. It is preferable to take a pillow with you. It can be placed under the head or lower back. It is also better to choose clothes comfortable.
  3. You should drink more water without gas.
  4. No need to neglect the seat belt. You just need to place it under the stomach.
  5. If you remove the shoes, then the unpleasant sensations in the legs will be less obvious.
  6. You need to have a copy of the exchange card or its original with you, where a blood type is indicated, as well as the coordinates of relatives for emergency communication.

Pregnancy is not a reason to abandon pleasant events. If you approach the organization of the flight responsibly, then it will pass successfully and quickly. When there are no contraindications and the condition of the pregnant woman does not cause anxiety, the aircraft can be considered an acceptable means of movement.

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