What time can you determine the pregnancy

What time can you determine the pregnancy

If female expect appearance child, then she how  wants to know o pregnancy as early as possible. Weeks expectations bring stress thread mommy, which are waiting first child or for a long time not can pregnant. How can define term pregnancy and what method?

1) Test

Each female maybe to know o his pregnancy on one's own. V it is will help test, which the for sale v pharmacy. Enjoy dough enough easily. Principle actionsthis is laying gormon. chorionic gonadotropin in the urine.

  • After fertilization  rises level  gormon.. it happens later  fiveseven days. V this time  level gormon. make up 5 mME/- 10 mME/ml. Across 15 days he reaching 2025mme/ml.
  • At usage expressdough, two stripes appear v first days delay menstrual cycle. If you use supersensitive test, then to know o new life can not waiting delay.
  • Package tests contains information about level sensitivity, for example,  2025mme/ml or  10MME/ml. Thus way you will be able to to know term pregnancy.

Research v laboratories

Most exact definition pregnancy is an analysis blood. Material takes from vienna  and analyzed on length One day. By blood can to know o possible fertilization already across ten days, when v organism will be Changes in hormonal background, a exactly, height concentration gormons v blood as well  v urine.

3) Ultrasound

More accurate method definitions on today's day is an ultrasound study. It it happens:

  • Transabdominal - E.then study across abdominal wall.
  • Transvaginal - D.atchik introduced in vagina, NS then most accurate way definitions new life.

Thanks to Ultrasound can exclude ectopic pregnancy. After probable conception  ultrasound show pregnancy on seventh day. When germ  implanted v wall matties, then already with 20 day can hear biivia hearts. WITH mischief often make Ultrasound not recommended, because how this is maybe call interrupt pregnancy.


it accounting biivia heart embryos. Way maybe apply with 16 weeks pregnancy, a doctor maybe this is do only on 1819 week. On it is data female feels movement fruit at second rodah, a at first –  with 20th weeks.

Visit to doctor

Doctors with huge experience work easily determine pregnancy and her term on size matties and height dNA. This way valid starting out with 3her weeks pregnancy.

Basal way

For of this to you not have to nothing buy, calculate and go somewhere. For this, N. a length several days in the morning from mean temperature body v straight gum without getting out of bed. For of this need hold thermometer about six minutes. At stable increased temperature 37 degrees, there is probability pregnancy. This way available after first days delay.

The above methods for determining pregnancy can also identify the term. Each method can calculate the date of birth, as well as lead control over the state of the fetus and the results of treatment. It is advisable to use them in case of such a need, with each method reliable in its own way. Knowing at what catch can make tests, Ultrasound and analysis blood, can choose More appropriate method.

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