After how many days after conception, the test will show pregnancy

After how many days after conception, the test will show pregnancy

To accurately determine the presence or absence of pregnancy with the help of household tests sold in the pharmacy, it is necessary to comply with the basic rules for their use. All tests are characterized by their sensitivity to components: some promise the exact result only three weeks after conception, other ways to show two stripes in a week. Previously, a weekly determining pregnancy will not even be able to test blood for hCG, since the process of fertilization does not end in such a short time. In this article, you will learn not only the types of sensitivity of tests for pregnancy, but also the main deadlines in which they are better to use.

After how many days after conception, the test will show pregnancy - types of tests

In pharmacies you can meet tests of different price categories, they all differ slightly:

  • As a rule, the most expensive tests are labeled with digit 10. This means that their sensitivity is 10 MME / ml. To date, this is the highest indicator that tests may have.
  • The tests of the average price category have a sensitivity of 20 or 25 MME / ml.
  • Paper tests of the lowest price category or do not have labeling, or there is a digit of 30.

MME / ml indicators determine the level of substances in urea, which begin to be produced only after fertilization. The more the term of pregnancy, the higher their content.

What is the term for determining pregnancy at tests

Depending on the labeling, the timelines may vary from week to three. The best tests with high sensitivity promise to show you a positive or negative result after seven - eight days, and cheaper - for the twentieth day.

To determine the deadlines more precisely, choose the tests with the labeling "10".

When it is better to do a pregnancy test

Many girls forget that one of the most important criteria is the last sexual intercourse if the sexual life is irregular. Even the most accurate test can not show results, if less than seven days have passed since the conception.

The entire process of fertilization and fixing the fetus on the wall of the uterus takes about a week. It is with this that restrictions on the deadline for determining tests, as well as blood tests.

If you buy the test prompted the delay, then in this situation you can trust it with the result right away. Even low sensitivity tests promise the correct result from the first day of the delay.

Make a procedure better in the morning after sleep, having previously accepted the souls. The test is placed in a small tank with urea for three seconds and put on a horizontal surface. Most modern tests show a positive result as two stripes. There are exceptions in the form of a cross, color changes.

Can be a false result of a pregnancy test

And it happens. The main causes of dough errors look like this:

  • A negative test may be unnecessar if the woman makes it ahead of time when the HCG has not yet reached the desired concentration.
  • Do not drink too much liquid. This also affects the concentration of substances in urine and blood, which may affect the negative as a result of the test, even if you are pregnant. In the morning, the likelihood of seeing the truth is the highest, provided that you did not go to the toilet at night.
  • The test can show a false positive reaction. This happens when taking certain drugs that stimulate ovulation. Also, a positive test may indicate tumor processes.

To eliminate the error, it is better to make several tests in different days. A positive result should encourage you to turn to the doctor: if assumptions are confirmed, you will soon need to register in the gynecologist, if not - there is no compulsory surveys for inflammation.

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