What does a positive pregnancy test look like

What does a positive pregnancy test look like

Our moms and grandmothers, if not the long-awaited "red" day, went to women's consultation to learn, pregnancy occurred or it's just a delay. Now girls have the opportunity to learn about pregnancy without leaving home. To do this, you need to purchase a special test. Tests are sold in pharmacies and even in supermarkets, the cost is available, so every woman will be able to know without any problems about the state of its body.

In order to take advantage of the express test, it is necessary to understand the designations, for this you need to know what a negative or positive test looks like.

What does a positive pregnancy test look like

Surely every girl, even if he did not use the dough, but at least heard that when pregnancy occurs, the test shows 2 stripes. What are they, as they appear and in general, how to "read" the test correctly, find out the answers to all your questions.

What is a pregnancy test: this is a small paper strip, which is divided conditionally into 2 parts: one auxiliary or non-working, second is the main one. On the main or working part of the test (it is slightly compacted), a special solution is applied. If the auxiliary part of the express test can be torn with his hands (for this it is intended), then it is better not to touch the working part at all at all. If accidentally touch the tip or middle of the dough with your fingers, then the applied solution can change its composition, because of this, the test may be unreliable. It seems to be shown 2 strips, but one is poorly expressed. Because of this, many young women are in bewilderment, because they do not understand what the test shows. So that this does not happen, the tip of the test strip should not be touched.

How to use express test:

  • In order to find out, a pregnancy has come or not, you need to assemble the morning urine into a clean capacity (preferably before performing this manipulation, produce genital hygiene).
  • Open the test, extract the strip, keep for the opposite tip (non-working side), and the other side, which at the end has a seal, omit into a container with urine.
  • Keep the test strip needed for 10 or 15 seconds, it is quite enough to find out the result. The liquid is quickly absorbed, soon you can find out the result. If the level of hormone "HCG" in the urine of a woman is increased, then this means that pregnancy has come.
  • How the test works: urine will gradually rise up the strip and first it will paint the test zone on the test strip - the first checkline will appear. It's not necessary to be afraid, and it's time to rejoice it's too early - this indicates that the test is not spoiled.
  • Slightly above the control line there is another zone on which a special substance is applied, which, when interacting with urine, rich in hong "HCG", is painted in red. If pregnancy has come, then you need to wait about a minute or a little more to make sure the test is correct. If you saw the cherished second strip, then this means that the pregnancy has come.

This is how it looks in reality:

What other pregnancy test results may be

How to read the express test:

  • The result is positive: 2 clear lines will appear on the strip. This means that pregnancy has come.
  • Negative result: you will see only one clear line. The second will not - this means that the pregnancy has not come. The second strip can hardly be viewed, this also indicates that there is no pregnancy.
  • If you see the second strip, but it is not clear, but the blurred is a dubious test. It is necessary to re-test after 3-5 days.
  • An erroneous test: there is not a single strip, even the control. This may indicate that a foreign substance (sweat, fat, water or dirt) fell on the active zone of the test strip. Perhaps the test is overdue.
  • False positive test - this also happens. The test shows 2 stripes, and at the reception at the gynecologist it turns out that there is no pregnancy. Causes: Diseases in which an extended examination is required.
  • A false-negative test - when pregnancy came, but the term is still very small or if a woman drinks a lot of fluid and urine is very diluted, as well as in some diseases (kidney, vessels, hearts).

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