What can not be done pregnant

What can not be done pregnant

Pregnant women often have to hear about numerous prohibitions. As a result, they are afraid of both for themselves and for crumb. For this reason, it is necessary to find out that it is not allowed to do pregnant women, and what is just fiction.

Communication with animals

According to our grandmothers, it is impossible to play with cats with cats because the child will have many enemies in the future. But in fact, cats transfer toxoplasmosis, which is considered dangerous for pregnant women. Symptoms of this disease are similar on ordinary Orz. Therefore, if there is a cat in the house, then you need to pass tests for the detection of ailment. In no case can not be stroking other cats. The disease is transmitted through the urine and feces, so it is better not to remove the toilet cat or use gloves. Thanks to analyzes on toxoplasmosis, pregnant women may not give their favorite pets in other people's hands.

Bans on conversations about pregnancy and date of birth

There is an opinion that if no one will know about pregnancy, then the childbirth will pass quickly and easily. If you told about it to someone, then on the birth themselves you will need to suffer for everyone who already knows. The exceptions are parents whose emotions are considered positive. According to doctors, this sign has a certain meaning. It lies in the fact that people will constantly call with questions. It is better in recent days before childbirth to spend in peace, eliminating stimuli.

The same applies to the fact that about its pregnancy, especially the first time, it is better not to speak. This will protect the child about evil views and thoughts. After all, the probability of miscarriage in the first months is the largest. For a long time to keep everything in secret is also not recommended, because by accepting the child it will be hard to give the teaching to talk. Ideally save the balance between these opinions and be vigilant.

Everything concerns hairstyles

Cut the hair means to trim wealth, vital energy and longevity. But since today there are short haircuts in the fashion, then not updating the hairstyle of 9 months is simply unrealistic. A pregnant woman seeks to look attractive, so you need to choose a hairstyle that you do not need to adjust every month.

As for the ban on hair coloring, this sign appeared relatively recently, as well as drugs for lightening or staining. Previously, the hair was stained with natural components that did not make an unpleasant smell and did not harm the body. Therefore, it is better to change the type of paint or go into your natural color.

Bans on needlework

Pregnant can not sew. This superstition is explained by the fact that the baby will be wrapped in umbilical. In fact, the task is formed due to reinforced activity, so everyone mammies can happen. But the share of truth is there, because because of the huge amount of free time, a desire to tie something or sew something. Needlework involves an uncomfortable body position, which is undesirable during pregnancy. Such loads lead to the fact that the approach to the fetus of nutrients slows down.

No smoking

When entering the child, you must forget about smoking. Also, it is also impossible to be in a crushed room, because passive smoking has a negative impact. The smoking pregnant has a threat to miscarriage, because nicotine causes changes in the development of the fetus.

Cannot be overworked

Avoid a sense of discomfort, which can be provoked by the work on the house or just work. It is impossible to raise gravity, better ask for help. Not even very heavy bags can not be taken in hand, because the body of pregnant woman is weakened. When lifting weights, the load falls on the spine. For this reason, discomfort is interrelated with the position of the body at the time of work. With frequent bows, you need to do a breather to relax and rest verteons. In addition, you should not forget that gravity can lead to miscarriage and premature childbirth.

Can not go to the funeral

This sign, like many others, is associated with unfavorable emotions that may arise at the funeral. As a result, your disorder is transferred to the kid. Also, it is impossible to be in places with a lot of people, because there is a risk of catching infection.

The list of all kinds of prohibitions and takes a large mom in the future. But it is better to abandon and suffer for a period of tooling, if you want to meet with the long-awaited kid.

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