How many dairy teeth in children

How many dairy teeth in children

The first tooth in the child is a huge event that parents, grandparents are enjoyed together. Behind him follows one more, and more. And now the kid has a complete mouth of the teeth. But is it? Let's deal with how many dairy teeth should have a child.

Dairy teeth, what are they imagined?

The dairy are teeth that cut through the child, starting from six months from birth and until their change with constant teeth. The very first mention of the dairy teeth was found in the works of an ancient Greek scientist philosopher of the Hippocrat, who called the first teeth of the child with dairy, because they are made of milk. " To some extent the scientist was right. After all, the child eats exclusively by mother's milk, which is rich in calcium. And as is known, calcium is the main element for the structure of the teeth.

The difference between dairy teeth from constant

It can be said that the milk teeth do not differ from the real, but it is not. The dairy teeth have a number of differences, which include:

  • little top crown. It is not surprising, because the child got his first breast-age cloves, after it actively grew, and the teeth did not increase in the amount;
  • thin enamel, which is quickly erased, because of which milk teeth are destroyed much faster;
  • they have roots that are solved before growing permanent teeth.

How many dairy teeth have a child?

How many teeth should be in the child, depends on age, but according to medical standards, with proper nutrition and the development of Karapusa, it should have 20 dairy teeth to three years. Ten top and ten bottom. If you turn to the dental terms, then the child must have such milk teeth:

  • eight cutters;
  • four fangs;
  • eight molars.

There are exceptions when the child appears "extra" teeth. Usually they grow randomly and have the kind of canine. Such a deviation is called sharks teeth. Such pathology is subject to dental treatment, by removing "extra" teeth.

Schedule of the growth of dairy teeth in children

If you trace the formation of dairy teeth in a child from the very beginning, it should be noted that their primitives appear on 10-12 months of pregnancy, when the embryo is only formed. "On the light" dairy teeth appear much later, and the approximate schedule of their growth looks like this:

  • The first to go lower cutters. They appear in 6-9 months. The process is quite individual and there are kids who are painted by the first clur in 4 months, and some it appears only by 11 months.
  • Next, the upper two cutters cut through, it happens at 7-12 months.
  • Next appear lower side cutters at 8-14 months.
  • And the upper side cutters in 9-14 months.
  • By 12-18 months, the first two lower molars cut through. Together with them the upper steam appears.
  • Fang the child "will acquire" to 1.5-2 years.
  • The latter (extreme) lower and upper molars are completing the filling of the children's mouth with milk teeth to 2-2.5 years.

Once again, make attention that the process of the appearance of teeth is very individual. Influenced by him as a predisposition transferred at the early age of the disease and the nutrition of the child. Therefore, ahead or backlog from the graph in 2-3 months is quite acceptable.

The main signs of the appearance of teeth can be called:

  • abundant salivation;
  • scratches gums, noticeably explicit redness;
  • itching, which is expressed through the desire to shove something in the mouth and bother;
  • increased irritability of the child;
  • failure to eat;
  • increase temperature (this feature is not always present).

And if the dairy teeth are smaller?

Do you read this article and have already climbed into your three-year-old child's mouth? Do not be surprised if even after another counting, you have only 16 teeth. 20 dairy teeth are considered the norm. But the presence of only 16 such as three years is not a deviation. Not all children grow according to the standards approved by the Ministry of Health. But if something confuses you in the dentition of your child or you notice the signs of dental diseases, then you will not be superfluous from the dentist. It displays your fears, and in the case of any pathologies, it will appoint a timely adequate treatment of dairy teeth.

Remember that milk teeth, this is not a temporary phenomenon, but the natural process of the formation of the jaw and the bite of the child. Since these teeth are becoming markers for rubbering of indigenous (permanent) teeth.

Comments leave a comment
Margo 27/09/2018 at 10:27

Very informative article, my everything seems to be scheduled, now the task is to maintain the health of the health. Be sure to clean the teeth twice a day, I do not allow anything to gnaw, I give vitamins in the form of calcium vitamids +, cottage cheese and carrot in the diet.

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