How to get rid of sweat

How to get rid of sweat

Increased sweating in the area of \u200b\u200bthe axillary depression, palms and stops can cause unpleasant situations from any person, whether it is a common walk with the family, or the evening reception outside the house. If you have noticed that sweating prevents your usual way of life, it is worth starting with simple recommendations, performing gradually all new until you find suitable for yourself. First of all, many people do not distinguish, what is the difference between a deodorant and antiperspirant, and this is important. You can also use the available modern ways to eliminate sweat and smell or resort to folk, they are all described in this article.

How to get rid of sweating: the difference between a deodorant and antiperspirant

Many people use not the means that they need, and not as correct. It is important to understand the difference between these two means to not get into the unpleasant situation.

Deodorants are designed to refresh the smell, but not to reduce sweating. They are used on clean and dry skin, right before entering or in the morning. As you could already understand, there will be no less than moisture from this. As a rule, deodorants are presented in the form of washes, ball rollers, sometimes sprayers. On the package necessarily written the type of means.

Antiperspirants, on the contrary, are needed to reduce sweating. They are better to use before class or hot afternoon. It is worth considering that such a means is not directly applied before going out, but in a few hours or per night, since the active components must have time to act on the glands.

Contrary to the common belief that antiperspirants are harmful to people and even cause terrible diseases, there is no confirmation of this yet.

Proper use of the tool will help you significantly reduce sweating and smell.

How to get rid of sweating with modern means

Looking at the assortment of pharmacies, you will definitely find the appropriate means:

  • Talc. It has long been used both for the armpits and for the legs. It significantly reduces sweating, but at the end of the day you need to wash it off during water procedures.
  • Matting napkins will save you on a hot day from the fatty brilliance of the face, if the sweating occurs on it.
  • Deodorizing creams.
  • Pharmacy deodorants allow you to strongly reduce sweating, but they can be used every three days.

All listed tools can be found in the stores of your city, and most importantly, feel the result on yourself.

How to get rid of sweating by natural means

If you have organic cosmetics stores in the city, then you should pay attention to their deodorants, for example, volcanic sticks have become popular. These are funds that are solid mineral. Initially, it looks like a bright translucent stone. You need to moisten it a little water and lubricate the axillary depression. The tool has antibacterial and astringent action, so it really reduces sweating.

You can also try vegetable deodorants with natural oils in their composition. The most effective is the tea tree oil, jojoba. Coalin dust also well affects the reduction of sweating.

Lifestyle and sweating

Often on your sweating affects what you eat. If you consume a lot of coffee, fast food and fatty food, then the violation of the sweating is guaranteed. Also, your emotional state also affects. If you often worry and worry without a good reason, then the sweating will always be unnecessary.

If you sweat much more often than before, and all means do not help you, then you could completely become a target for such a disease as hyperhydrosis. This is an increased sweating. It can be reduced by electrical procedures or bonds of Botox. This remedy is administered to you under the skin, after which sweating disappears for a period of half a year before a year.

Comments leave a comment
Renata 09/09/2018 at 10:12

My son had a sweating problem - most likely associated with adolescence. I bought him Dry Dry Teen - this is a series for teenagers. And the problem is completely gone. Son finally feels confident, and the mood has improved.

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Elsa 10/17/2018 at 15:07

My sweating was also just like on the background of menopause ... Oroy is unavailable. And no deodorants helped. I received only cycle and tried to make baths with essential oils, so gradually hyperhydrosis and disappeared ... So who has such problems on the background of menopause, very much recommend)

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Marina 10/10/2019 at 13:21

I have such a problem with menopausus arose ... I felt very awkwardly, especially in the summer. And then the beginning of the Ice Formula Menopause to take and tincture on Salfa-gradually and sweating passed, and the tides, who were also overwhelmed .. so more important to find the cause and eradicate it)

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Olesia 08/05/2020 at 14:27

I also had to suffer from high sweating. Get rid of her with the help of a formagel. Economical and pretty strong drug. Even from antiperspirants completely refused his favor.

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