What dreams former lover dream?

What dreams former lover dream?

You dreamed of a former lover. Such a dream can raise you and sow doubts about you, rightly you did that they broke up with him. Perhaps the current relationship does not suit you and returning to your dreams to the former man, you again and reopen the finished novel. We will help to figure out what your dream tells about, and what consequences should be prepared.

Dream Vangu

You dream of a former lover, then your heart is not yet free from past relationships. You have a lot of unexplained questions, offended and inexpensive, which are not allowed to part with the past life and give will to new feelings.

In a short time you will meet with a former guy and risk re-entering the relationship, how they will develop, depends only on you two.

Dream Freud.

  • There is a former guy and you have an intimate connection, wait for quarrels and problems in your personal life. You have not yet been freed from your previous feelings and are not ready to build new relationships.
  • Former lover is in dreams, but you reject it, meaning new ways to you.
  • It is possible that the man with whom you broke up, thinks and seeks to you.
  • If you are alone, then a quarrel with former means that a new man will appear in your life soon.

Subconsciously comparing both partners, you involuntarily give preference to the former, and men do not tolerate any competition, considering themselves the only and unique.

Dream Miller

  • If dreamed by a former lover, You are subconsciously looking for a meeting with him, think about him. It is possible that the feelings are not cooled, and you dream to resume relationships and not against intimate intimacy.
  • If in a dream former is in the "Adam costume"may be ill or you are waiting for large scandals and all kinds of trouble in real life.
  • Kiss with former lover Means that soon you will get an interesting news, perhaps from him.
  • If in a dream, scandal with a former guy - It's a good dream, it means everything is fine in new relationships.
  • Dreamed that you walk with a man from past relationships, wait for the scandal, unfortunate jealousy, insults and the possible business will reach the hands-written, already in real life with the current guy.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti.

Italian psychologist Meneghetti interprets a dream with a former lover somewhat differently than you can read in other dreams.

  • if you the former dreamed, and you cute him with him, In reality, there is a great opportunity to get sick or have problems with the health of your today's person.
  • If you have a dream restored relationships with former beloved And continue to meet with him, then get ready for a fun and interesting weekend.
  • You dreamed that the former guy is glazingly grinSo your current person has connections on the side and is not honest with you. It is time to deal with your partner and find out what he hides.
  • If the former is constantly dreaming And you enter into an intimate relationship with him, you miss and dream of him. Think, maybe it makes sense to resume relationships.

Interpretation of dreams by day

  • From Sunday for Monday - A great desire to have sex with your former partner
  • Monday on Tuesday - Empty Son.
  • From Tuesday on Wednesday - Former misses and looking for opportunities to see you
  • From Wednesday to Thursday - Forget and move away the past relationships, the former does not lose time and is actively looking for you to replace
  • From Thursday to Friday - We miss former and think about him
  • From Friday to Saturday - You can become with a former guy friends, if you wish
  • Saturday on Sunday - Sleep in hand. Walk and rest, a man will come soon, who will make you happy

In what form is you in a dream a former lover?

  • Your former guy dreamed drunk or under the action of drugs, then you still depend on past relationships
  • In a dream former man looks painfully or sickIn real life, he may have health problems
  • Dead former lover to the news that we are waiting and they will surprise you

Women are long stored in the memory of images of once beloved men and worry about their past relationships. Often the former lovers are disturbing, coming in a dream in dreams. What the dream says can be figured out, taking into account all the details: in what form is the former, what is your relationship with him, what day of the week a dream has dreamed. With all the factors, you can protect yourself from trouble and revise your life and relationship with men around you.

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