Why dream of lice in the head?

Why dream of lice in the head?

People are very rarely faced in life with lies. These insects cause discomfort. To see them in a dream means that changes will happen in life. The experience gained by many years will allow to join this dream in more detail.

If animals in your head

To decrypt sleep, which he dreamed of:

  • If the dreams are a young woman who is going to get married, then it means that she will have to frankly talk to his chosen one. There is a possibility that the mystery can prevent the celebration. But sometimes sleep simply reflects the experience and fear of the bride.
  • A married lady saw a flea in the head - doubts about the fidelity of the second half.
  • If this is a housewife, then sleep indicates that it is necessary to start living a full life, and not to sit at home. It is also important to manifest your hidden ambitions, make a career.
  • If the lice dreamed of a businessman, then this was a profit in business. In addition, such a plot indicates non-standard thinking and the ability to successfully leave the most difficult situations.
  • The girls or young men are talking about the presence of interesting ideas that do not need to postpone on then. They will be highly appreciated by others.

Sometimes these insects perform in dreams as a prevention of disease or danger.

What does the lice dream of?

If we saw the sewing, then guests will soon appear who need to provide comfortable accommodation.

  • Catch lice - solve problems. If the dream dreamed of a young woman, she can openly express her opinion.
  • See one loss - dream of difficulties and obstacles that prevent the goal.
  • Catch and crush the chisdom promises the rapid end of the black strip in life.
  • Fleas and shorts in the head say that the case began to quickly finish.

Wrench in other people

If you have noticed lice not at yourself, then in your life there will be a favorable period. In particular, the work will improve, and the family will come in the family.

  • If the character from sleep is familiar to you, then you will help him solve problems.
  • Vershi's rival stuffed victory over your enemies. After that, women can go.
  • If there were lice and shorts in the hair, then you will soon meet a person who will be unpleasant to you.
  • The child in the child means mothers alarms.
  • Crush lice - to the fence of diseases and trouble.
  • Complete chiefs from someone - such a plot speaks about the deliverance of the hassle.

Bright lice

White insect color speaks of a pleasant event that can be associated with intangible benefits. The dreams can get a new profession or a nice gift. If there are long-standing ideas, you need to immediately implement them, because the success does not make himself wait.
The bright lice protrude in dreams as a symbol of profit and prosperity. Previously, similar dreams were interrelated with high yield, and now it means that the dreams can find a highly paid job or multiply your income.

Other interpretations

The lice have different interpretations:

  • If insects are crawling in a child in the head, agricultural affairs will be successful.
  • If they are in adults, the cattle will bring a good selection. Homemade and family affairs will be prosperous.
  • You yourself catch the lice in your own or relative - dream of a break with this person.
  • Collect insects from animals - So the pet will soon get sick.

Throughout the time, the interpretation of dreams change as humanity develops, so each person can pick up an optimal interpretation.

Fighting parasites

The fight against lies is a harbinger of a new life stage. In the near future, the dreams will get rid of loneliness, a variety of life. He can open something new in his life, which previously ordered the party. According to Dreamnoy, you just need to move forward and use all the prompts of fate for a happy life.

  • You saw the lice in her hair and shake them - this is a symbol of success in a career, a profitable contract and victory to competitors. Be sure, no one will prevent you from embodying their ideas. This is the most fruitful period that will have a complete return. Failure will bypass you, and success will not make himself wait.
  • Another interpretation of the struggle with Vsha in a dream is a partner meeting who will demonstrate a new life.
  • If you can't kill a dream in a dream, then this is a sign about the need to search for a new method to avoid useless spending forces. In this case, you will have to catch good luck.

Sleep the dream is very hard, because for this you need to take into account many nuances. When combining parts of the whole, you can see a picture with prompts and warnings.

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