The child does not sleep at night - what to do?

The child does not sleep at night - what to do?

Children for parents meaning their lives, they care about them to be healthy and happy. For the full life of the baby, and his parent, too, is needed regular and full sleep of the child, which sometimes becomes impossible for various reasons. Let's find out today, for what reason the child may not sleep at night and how to cope with this problem.

Causes of restless sleep or its absence

In fact, the reasons for such anxiety according to very very many, but in order to solve the problem under consideration, it will have to find out without this, without this, it is simply impossible to choose the right solution method:

  • The atmosphere around. Little kids are very impressionable little men and react to every sound. Emotion, action that happens to them and around them. Negatively, on a strong dream of a child, walks in places of large cluster of people, parties. Holidays, mass events. It is too big stress for the baby and after that he may not sleep for a long time.

  • Close people. It should be noted that the kids feel very well their parents, especially mom. All that happens to her, especially during the period of ore feeding, everything is transmitted to the baby. Scandals, psychos, quarrels, stress at Mom - all this prevents the baby normally develop in a psychological plan, and it is not at all surprising if the baby is restless and does not want to sleep at night.
  • Over-excitedness. The child may suffer not only because of excessively negative emotions. It can also affect overly positive emotions. It turns out that the kid should receive any emotions in moderation, otherwise a restless sleep or his complete absence is provided to him.
  • Health problems. In addition to psychological injuries and problems, restless sleep may occur due to health problems. When your baby has something hurts or something worries him, it is unlikely that he will sleep at night. If you notice that the kid constantly presses the handle to some place or presses the legs to the stomach - consult a doctor to identify the problem.


When the reasons for the problems are identified, you can now move to the choice of the decision method:

  • Mom must calm down, throw away all the bad thoughts and events surrounding it from the head. You are obliged to give a child peace and comfort so that he understands that mom and people close to him are all good and to worry about what.
  • Do not take a child with you in too noisy places, concerts and where massacres of people should surround the atmosphere of calm, peace and silence.
  • Let the child listen only to calm, peaceful music. Watch He should only bright and kind cartoons and movies so that the child gets positive emotions.
  • If the child is too small, do not saturate his day overly with a large number of emotions. He must know the world around him gradually, and not all at once.
  • No need to forget that every child has a mandatory mode. If it is not, then a calm sleep is not foreseen. It should be understood that the little child has no feeling of time, so that Chaos in his head without a routine-made parents will be present constantly.

  • If you notice that the child is restless and day and night, at the same time, he sleeps little and most of the time climbs, contact a specialist for help. Most likely, your baby has something wrong with health. Very often, the kids suffer from colic, from what the teeth begin to grow, etc. In no case do not think the child's stuffing of the child with incomprehensible drugs from everything. Such a negligence attitude towards health care can lead to poisoning and other deposits.
  • Place the child every day to sleep at the same time, try not to change the schedule, because for adults there is nothing terrible for adults, but the child is very hard going through every extra hour of wakefulness and the schedule can easily be lost.

Useful advice

In order for your child to sleep, as it should be, and his dream was full, you need to try to adhere to the following recommendations and rules:

  • No need to "occupy" your child. Such an excessive guard leads to the fact that the child ceases to conduct an independent lifestyle and it is necessary for mom or close people always, the round day are near, and if it is not, hardly the baby will sleep at night.
  • The mode must be honed. Only in the presence of the mode can be ensured by the baby calm and full sleep and irresponsible parents should also understand this and take steps to this item.
  • You should not surround your baby with a large number of assistants, the more people spinning around the child, the restless it will be, because everyone has his own character, his own aura, his behavior and for the baby is a variety of serious stress.
  • It is not necessary to teach the child to additional "pre-" procedures - mocking, chest, swings, etc.

  • Parents should also be remembered that the child does not need to feed before sleeping (when he is more than 1.5 years old), because too tight dinner can lead to a restless sleep, the baby will be uncomfortable and even sick the belly.
  • Do not feed the child before bedtime sweet, because for them it is a special hormone of happiness, joy and energy. Hurt and put a child after taking sweet food becomes extremely difficult, and parents must remember this.

Observing all the rules given by our rules and listening to the useful advice of specialists, parents can be calm at night, like their child.

Comments leave a comment
Valentina 19/09/2018 at 6:28

I am regularly bathing in a chamomile brand. I like Evalarovskaya. It is assembled in environmentally friendly districts of Altai. And it is very important that it would not be any impurities, because it is for a child. For an hour before swimming brewing a couple of bags. Just just I pour out in the bath. It is not necessary that it is not necessary to polish. It is not necessary.

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Maria 12/24/2018 at 14:35

Thanks for the advice!

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Zoya 10/25/2018 at 12:40

Up to 5 years old, we had very big problems with sleep, especially for the night did not want to fit, no dances with the tambourines did not help. As a result, they turned to a neurologist, we prescribed a course of a pantokalcin, after two weeks the dream was settled, now every day as a clock and without scandals)

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