What to do if you can not sleep

What to do if you can not sleep

Sleep is essential to remove fatigue and give new strength to man after the day's work. It helps in the rejuvenation of cells and tissues. Today, one in three complains of poor sleep, blaming the stress, work at the computer or in a bad mood. Did you know that sleepless nights can have a detrimental effect on the human body? Lack of sleep can lead to a decrease in attention, feelings of depression and irritability. Insomnia stimulates weight loss and reduces the chances of recovery. However, there are ways to help bring back the coveted dream.

Set the correct temperature. Choose bedroom temperature range of 15 to 22 degrees. Cool room ensures drowsiness and provide a comfortable stay for the whole night.

Create the right mood. Turn off the lights for 30 minutes before bedtime. Disconnect the additional noise, lights and distractions. Turn on the fan, soothing instrumental music or use ear plugs to create a comfortable environment for sleep. Try to do it all the time, showing the body that it's time to rest a night.

Use essential oils. Inhalation of essential oils - a safe, therapeutic method of inducing sleep. A drop of chamomile flavor, almond or lavender can be sprinkled on the pillow or rub their neck. Add a few drops in a diffuser oils and relaxing aroma will fill the room.

Relax with a book. For half an hour before going to bed, take to bed a good novel. This practice will give your body a chance to relax rather than to force yourself to sleep. However, try to stay away from other thrillers and detective stories.

Daily at bedtime. Often our unkind thoughts keep us from sleep. Instead of analyzing the situation in your mind or problems before bedtime, try to keep a diary. It is a therapeutic method that helps capture your day before you fall asleep.

Refuse sugar. Avoid the use of sweets, chocolate, juices or fruits that increase blood sugar levels. Melatonin contributes to a natural healthy sleep cycle, so a combination of certain fruits and carbohydrates will help you quickly sleep. Melatonino-enriched products:

  • Bananas.
  • Oatmeal.
  • Rice.
  • Ginger.
  • Barley.
  • Tomatoes.
  • Radish.
  • Red wine.
  • Milk products.
  • Fish, chicken, turkey.
  • Sunflower seeds.

Add magnesium to food. Magnesium deficiency can lead to sleepless nights. In addition to products rich in magnesium, you can use special additives. For a good sleep, 500 milligrams of the trace element per day are enough.

Use vitamins for sleep. If you encounter chronic lack of sleep, try to take natural additives, such as valerian root, chamomile tea and melatonin. They are available in the form of bags or tablets. Additives should be used for a limited time.

Keep electronics away from the bed. Late watching TV or answers to night emails disinform the brain, forcing it to perceive the bed as a place to work. Favorite evening programs are better to look in the living room.

Sleeping mode. Adhere to sleep mode as much as possible, even on weekends. When the body gets used to bed and wake up at certain hours, you will find that it will be easier to fall asleep and wake up.

Limit caffeine after 12 pm. Do you know that the effect of caffeine can last 12 hours? The cause of insomnia can be a coffee cup in the middle of the day.

Do not consider sheep. With insomnia, you should not lie and try to make yourself sleep. It is better to get up and do something. Again, avoid technologies, viewing the TV shows or perform serious work. Try to read the book or keep a diary.

Meditate. Make some deep breaths and exhalations. Focus on relaxation of each part of the body. Spend a few minutes, remembering pleasant moments, pray or just spend time alone with your thoughts. Always stop at the positive moments and bright things.

Try doing exercises. According to science, focusing on respiration reduces cardiac rhythm and blood pressure, which positively affects drowsiness. Try this technique:

  • Inhale (4 seconds).
  • Hold your breath (7 seconds).
  • Exhale 8 seconds).

All tips will be in vain if you sleep on an uncomfortable mattress. Different people have a different level of comfort. Incorrect mattress can leave you without sleep and with back pains, so it is very important to choose it in accordance with the type of body.

  • Hard mattresses support the spine while sleeping, making it comfortable. Such bedstores help to relax artery and veins, improving blood circulation. But if you are accustomed to sleep on a soft mattress for many years, it will be difficult for you to switch to a rigid model.
  • Usually soft mattresses use people suffering from problems or pain in the spine. Basically, it is used by the elderly. Soft mattresses are not recommended to apply young people in order not to harm their spine.

Adhering to the councils given, you can achieve a full sleep.

Comments leave a comment
Rita 15/07/2020 at 12:08.

You missed the main advice - to deal with the alarms and calm the nervous system. Without this, neither essential oils nor the evening fiction will not help normally sleep. For calm and good sleep, I drink the Evalalar Lavender course, remarkably displays from stressful state.


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